Big Question - Is Democracy fair?

Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 8:10am

This week in Big Question we discussed the question "Is Democracy Fair?"

We recapped what democracy is and how it works in our country, primarily through the use of voting. We understand and learnt about who can vote and ensuring you cast a vote which can be counted. 

To mimic this, we held a class vote deciding on what we should do at the end of the day: 

- Watch Newsround

- Read our class novel

- Independent Reading 

- The votes were cast and counted and the majority (Newsround) won! 

We then discussed whether this was fair. 

Some children believed it was fair as the majority wins. They also believed it was fair as everyone has the opportunity to vote and express their views. 

However, children believed it was not fair, as sometimes decisions which can impact children are made by parents and not by the people who it impact e.g. children. However, we did discuss the reason for this being that Children may not be mature enough to understand the impact of their decisions. 

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