Doves - 11th May - Home Learning

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 7:39am

Good Morning Doves! Hope you all had a lovely and long extended weekend! I celebrated VE day at home on Friday with some scones, listened to the Queen’s speech at 9pm, sang along and decorated my house! It was a lovely event to celebrate.

Before I go into home learning I would like to say: 

Y6’s – Today would have been the start of your SATS and I wanted to remind you all of how proud we are of the hard work, determination and resilience you demonstrated preparing for them. You made great progress through the year and the years before that and I am amazed with the continued effort and positivity that you continue to show towards your home learning. Your efforts have not been for nothing. The skills you have acquired at The Gates will place you in excellent position as to progress to High School and for your future after that. 

This year has certainly been different, but you have shown immense maturity, independence and through all a positive mindset.

You are all amazing, you are all brave and you are all strong. Remember this!


Today's Home Learning:

1.English and Science- byd 

2.Maths - xhp 

3.Reading Solutions / Read Theory (Y5)- 1 comprehension (minimum)

4.Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office.

For this weeks writing task I would like you to write another newspaper report.

Your focus this time: Schools Closure due to Corona Virus (Covid-19). 

This is a chance for your to consider, how this has impacted you and millions of other children around the world. 

Think about: Why were the schools closed, who made this announcement, when was this announcement made and how school closures impact children and their schools. 


Our Weekly Recommendation

Every week we will share with you one of our favourite recommendations to support you at home.

This week’s recommendation links to Art. It offers you the opportunity to make and explore by offering a range of activities, supporting your creativity.


SPAG Support - Task 1:

Todays SPAG activity is a recap activity from last week – Main and Subordinate Clauses. This will help you with the tasks for the remainder of the week. I have attached the video below (from last week) to support you again this week.


Science Support: Task 3:

Below is a link to support your understanding of reversible and irreversible changes. This was covered in Autumn term and should be revision.


Have a lovely day, 

Miss Fairhurst


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