Doves - 1st June - Home Learning

Date: 31st May 2020 @ 9:26pm

Good Morning Doves!

Its JUNE! Can you believe it? Because I certainly can’t. I haven’t seen you all in such a long time now, I am really missing you all and all the fun we have in the classroom!

I hope you all had a lovely half term and week of rest. The weather was BEAUTIFUL, so hopefully you made the most of it. I went on a bike ride, made an Areo cheesecake and popped into school to see the children 😊  I’d love to see what you spent your time doing so make sure you post to share on the blog.


Today's Home Learning:

1.English and Science-  phu

2.Maths - zkh

3.Reading Solutions / Read Theory (Y5)

4.Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office.



This week’s writing task is a 500 word story! It links to a competition which BBC Radio 2 host yearly. Although the competition is now over, it is a great opportunity to write about something you enjoy and good experience for the competition next year!

I have provided a wealth of resources and support to aid you with this writing task, if you need further help please comment on the discussion feed.

Your spelling task focuses on words with the /k/ sound spelt CH


Our Weekly Recommendation

This week’s recommendation is SUPER EXCITING!

JK Rowling is giving children the opportunity to have their drawings published in her new book - The Ickabog - when it is published in the autumn. There is guidance on what to draw as well as links to the chapters which have been released online.

Here is the link for further details:


SPAG Support - Task 1:

Today, your SPAG focuses on Apostrophes – The difference between plural and possessive.

Plural – More than one

Possessive – Belongs to someone


Science Support: Task 3:

Below are a range of links to support your understanding of Earth and Space. This was covered in Spring term and should be revision.       


Enjoy your Monday and stay safe, 

Miss Fairhurst :) 

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