Doves - 22nd April - Home Learning

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 7:49am

Good Morning Doves! 

We’re halfway through the week and then it’s the weekend. I saw some absolutely brilliant home learning completed yesterday. Keep it up! I would love to see more of what you’re doing at home, so please make sure you are posting blogs (adding images if you can!). I’d love to be able to share them with everyone.


Today’s tasks will be as follows:

  1. Reading Solutions or Read Theory: 1 comprehensions (minimum) – The number of children accessng this has improved slightly. However, we need to continue to push with this, ensuring we are accessing it at least once a day. This is a compulsory task and must be completed.
  2. LBQ: 
    SPAG x2 and Science - code - xwv
    Maths x2  - Code – zgd
  3. Make sure you are practising your spellings (Friday is test day) and writing your letter to Captain Tom Moore (due in on Friday). As of yet, no one in Doves has completed this, however, I have attached a WAGOLL from Eagles class to support. Well done Phoebe :)

Here are some links to help support todays learning:

SPAG Support:

Maths Support:


Please remember that IXL is an additional learning opportunity and should only be used once the compulsory tasks have been completed e.g. LBQ, Reading Solutions/Read Theory, Spellings and Writing. 

Keep working hard and stay safe! 

Miss Fairhurst 







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