Doves - Learning Overview - 22.04.20

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 4:21pm

Some more great work completed today! Well done Doves :)

Here is a summary of the fabulous work I've seen today: 


Well done to Martha, Ruby and Amber who gained full marks on Task 1 - Proper, common and collective nouns. 

Well done to Amber and Olly who gained full marks on Task 2 - Concrete and abstract 

The number of children completing LBQ has dropped today. Please remember you must complete LBQ daily. 

Read Theory: 

Well done to Olly and Mollie who completed 5 reading quizzes! Super work, keep it up :)


(Remember IXL is an additional option, LBQ, Reading Solutions, Writing and Spellings are compulsary). 

Early Bird 

My early bird worker for today was Ellis! 

Writing Task: 

So far, I have had 3 completed written tasks from Martha, Olly and Parthiv. Take some time to have a read of them. They are great examples and may give some of you some ideas on how to would like to structure yours and the content to include. 


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