Doves - Weekly Awards

Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 9:53am

Weekly Awards

⭐️Star of the Week⭐️


My star of the week this week is for Lilly! Lilly has been an all-round superstar in class this week. She has shown positive attitudes to all aspects of school life, demonstrating maturity. In all lessons, she has put in 100% effort, growing in confident through consistently demonstrating resilience. 


Spelling Award

The spelling award goes to Heidi this week for practising consistently every day! 


TT Rockstars Award 

This week the winner is Kailtyn for always practising her times tables.


Reading Solutions

Well done to the following children, who have this week moved up a level on their Reading Plus- Oliver Bl and Ellie. 


Reading Challenge 

Well done to Emelia who has won the reading challenge this week for reading 5 times. 

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