Eagles - 17th June - Home Learning

Date: 17th Jun 2020 @ 8:17am

Good morning Eagles!

After feedback from parents, teachers and children – we have decided to freshen up our home learning routine. LBQ will still be used but less so than previously. In its place, we will be using National Oak Academy to provide online teaching which will provide more support to your children whilst providing a wider range of subjects. Daily links will be provided for all lessons. Once on the site, most lessons start with a quick introductory quiz, followed by a teaching video, followed by an activity and a recap quiz. 

It would be great to see more examples of your learning coming in - thanks for your post yesterday, Ella. I've set up another discussiuon feed that you can post today's learning in. If you're working on a computer your easiest way is to use the 'snipping tool' located on your desktop programmes. This allows you to take a screenshot of your page and save the image which can then be uploaded. 


Tasks for today:

Note: All tasks set will be pitched at UKS2, therefore tasks will look at both the Y5 curriculum and the Y6 curriculum. 

1. Reading - LBQ: rtr

2. TT rockstars (20mins)

3. Maths https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/describing-positions-and-coordinates/

4. Literacy - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/set-of-instructions-identifying-the-features-of-a-text

5. Spanish- https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/el-alfabeto-y-los-numeros-f6be74

Have a great day, 

Mr Simpson

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