Eagles - 21st March - Home Learning

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 7:56am

Good Morning,

Hope you're all well. It was great to talk to some of you yesterday on the phone - excited to talk to more of you again today.

Remember, to view your spellings and writing task, you'll need to log in on the website as a pupil and look at the discussion feeds.

Today’s tasks will be as follows:

  1. Reading Solutions: 1 comprehension (minimum & 5 per week - minimum)
  2. LBQ: 
    English x2 - code -  mof
    Maths x2 - Code – mwp

Here are some links to help support todays learning:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3hR3BHpeho (This is an EXTREMELY catchy song and I found myself singing this all night). 


Tips: Remember 

An adverb is a word which tells you more about how, when, where or why an action happened e.g. carefully, happily etc remember they do not always end with 'ly'. 

E.g. The train will arrive soon.

Soon adds to the verb 'arrive'.

An adverbial is a group of words which tells you more about how, when, where or why an action happened, this can sometimes be found at the start of a sentence known as a 'fronted adverbial'. 


The link below offers a recap/support with dividing proper fractions by whole numbers:



Please remember that IXL is an additional learning opportunity and should only be used one the compulsory tasks have been completed.

Have a great day!

Mr Simpson


Oxford Owls

Oxford Owl, the company that we use for our home reader books have made a number of books available online whilst schools are closed. Please follow the link below.


Children can then chose which book band colour they are on using the ‘levels’ tab.

Then click on ‘book band’.  I would suggest children in Y5/6 work on the following book bands: Dark Blue, Dark Blue + and Dark Red.

You may need to sign up to the website to access some of the books.

This is a great opportunity for children to continue their reading journey with books that are age and topic appropriate.


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