Eagles - 23rd June 2020 - Home Learning

Date: 23rd Jun 2020 @ 8:11am

Good morning everyone, 


Tasks for today:

  1. Y5 Reading Solutions x2 / Year 6 LBQ - dsw
  2. TT rockstars (20mins)

Maths – https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-solve-problems-involving-converting-between-hours-and-minutes

There is a worksheet at the end, however if you would like some more practise, you can go onto IXL.

IXL - Maths - Year 5 - Time - P.1 

Literacy https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/information-leaflet-lesson-2-reading-focus

There is an independent reading comprehension at the end, however if you would like some more practise, on similiar word meaning, you can go onto IXL.

IXL - English- Year 5 - Word relationships and usage- N.3 

IXL - English- Year 6 - Word relationships and usage- M.2 

Spanish - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/introducing-yourself-in-spanish-591968

PE - https://classroom.thenational.academy/pe/pe-with-joe-or-19th-june


Thank you for your patience with the IXL usernames, I have been attempting to renew these for you. 

Your new username is the same format with a different number - firstnamelastname192   (E.g. missfairhurst192)

Your password is the same -

Doves Class - doves123

Eagles Class - eagles123

Kingfishers Class - kingfishers123

There are no capital letters or spaces in your usernames and passwords 

If you have any problems please comment on this blog, I will check it everyday this week to help you out. Usernames and passwords will also be emailed out. 

Have a good day, 

Mr Simpson

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