Eagles - 2nd July - Home Learning

Date: 2nd Jul 2020 @ 8:24pm

Good morning Eagles!

Moving On:

I would just like to take this moment to congratulate all of you for your hard work this year and the fantastic motivation you have shown and maintained during this time away from school. You are all superstars! 

Today will be the last day that we will post home learning for you guys - sad I know. But from Monday, we will be posting transition activities for next year's Year 6 and the time has come for you to focus on some of the transition activities that your respective high schools have set for you.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you all on the 13th (fingers crossed for good weather!) for our picnic - please make sure your parents respond to the survey that was sent out via School Spider by Monday's deadline.

PS - Can anyone make any links / suggestions about the balloon picture? Post your comments here.

Tasks for today

  1. Reading Solutions / LBQ  – mtp
  2. TT rockstars (20mins)
  3. Maths – LBQ code – mtp
  4. Literacy https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/character-description-write-a-character-description

Make sure you write up your final draft into best and submit it to the discussion feed.            


  1. Geography - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/why-does-population-change


Have a great day everyone.

Mr Simpson


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