Eagles - 4th May - Home Learning

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:12am

Good Morning Eagles! Well done for last week's efforts - let's get stuck straight into this week!


Today's Home Learning:

  1. English and Science- pbs 
  2. Maths - run  
  3. Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension (minimum)
  4. Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. 
  5. VE Day - On Friday, Mrs Latham blogged on the School page in regards to activities to celebrate VE Day. Please ensure you read these and try (where appropriate) to complete some. It is a great way to celebrate the anniversary of VE Day and the sacrifices people made for our country.
  6. It would be great to see more blogs of your home learning coming in this week!

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Our Weekly Recommendation

Every week we will share with you one of our favourite recommendations to support you at home.

This week’s recommendation links to our VE Day celebrations and may support you with your writing task.




SPAG Support - Task 1 and 2:

I have uploaded 2 videos (found at the bottom of the blog) to help you with Task 1 and 2, looking at the different word classes.

Maths Support

To find 10%, divide by 10.

To find 1%, divide by 100

To find 3%, find 1% and x by 3

To find 30%, find 10% and x by 3


Have a great day, 

Mr Simpson


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