Eagles - 5th May - Home Learning

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:24am

Good Morning Eagles! Well done to those of you who completed all your tasks yesterday. It would be great to see some more blog posts coming in with what you're doing at home. It would be great to see some reading in unusual places photos coming in - or just reading photos in normal places!  

Well done to Olivia who has already sent in her newspaper report about VE Day:

Well done Olivia!

Yesterday, there seemed to be some misunderstanding from some children over the Maths Tasks. If you are usually in my maths class, complete the Mr S's maths task; if you are usually in Miss F's maths class, complete the Miss F's maths task.

Some of you need to complete more questions on the main maths tasks - think about what would be expected in a lesson. 

Today's Home Learning:

  1. English - mch  
  2. Maths & Topic - ycf
  3. Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension (can do more than 1)
  4. Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. 
  5. VE Day – Try to complete as many VE Day activities as possible (in school this week we have created WW2 artwork so far – have a look at the blog for some inspiration).  

SPAG Support - Task 1 and 2:

Miss Fairhurst has created 2 videos to support you with Task 1 and 2, looking at the different word classes.

Maths Support

Most of you will use chunking to complete today's task. Remember, start with 100 or 10 lots & find 50 or 5 lots and go form there.

This slide show is a good reminder:



Have a lovely day!

Mr Simpson :) 

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