Eagles - Home Learning - 22.04.20

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 8:37am

Good morning Eagles!

We had some excellent learning happening yesterday. Well done to those of you who completed all tasks and made a start on, or completed, your writing task too! Overall, however, we were slightly down on the previous days with the number of children who accessed the maths tasks - we actually had more children completing English than Maths - are you trying to upset me, Eagles? sad

We've had a much better start on Reading Solutions already this week, with many of you already having completed 2 comprehensions - super work!

It was great to chat to some of you yesterday - it was no suprise to hear that Jasmine and Elisha are spending lots of time on facetime; Phoebe has organised lists and timetables in place and Prithvi is getting beat by his dad on the number of laps they can do around the garden! ! I will continue to make my calls today. 

Today's Home Learning:

English: xwv

Maths: zgd

There are 3 maths tasks: 1 starter, then either Step 2 or Step 3/4 (gets tricky!)

Reading Solutions: 1 comprehension

Writing: Letter to Captain Tom - due Friday (see discussion feed)

Spellings - see discussion feed


I'll add some English & Maths support shortly.


Take care,

Mr Simpson

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