Kingfishers Home Learning 15th May

Date: 15th May 2020 @ 8:48am

Happy Friday everyone. Another good week this week -  there has been an improvement on number of tasks completed on LBQ which is great to see. I am finding it very difficult to select a Star of the Week each week as there are so many of you who deserve it - I can only choose one person but please know that your efforts are appreciated and I am noticing your effort.

Make sure you check out Mrs Forshaw's Headteacher's Award video to see who has been nominated. This weeks Star of the Week goes to...

Todays tasks are : 


1) Read theory x 2

2) TT Rockstars

3) LBQ code - eyi

Read below carefully before just starting the tasks.

Maths - There are 2 challenges today for Maths. You do not need to complete both. They are both topic reviews to test what you have picked up this week. Task 1 will cover more bar chart work whereas Task 2 will be more cslightly more challenging. Think about how you have found your work this week and choose the appropriate challenge. Task 2 is more challenging but I think most people will be able to attempt this.

My video on finding the mean will be important especially for Step 2.

SPAG - There is no SPAG today - this is to give time for spelling test and additional time to complete the writing.

4) Spelling test - self test and upload to SeeSaw please.

5) Written task - please complete your final draft and upload to SeeSaw. I look forward to reading them. Please make sure you have chedcked for basic punctuation and grammar errors before submitting.

6) Afternoon topic web work


Check the previous blog posts for mine and Mr Simpson's Non Stop Challenge - Layton has been nominated by me from our class (but anyone can give it a try and nominate). It will only take around 10 minutes.

Have a good weekend everyone and I will speak to you on Monday.


Mr Horsley 


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