KS1 Letter Writing Task w/c 27.4

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 9:07pm

This week’s task is a letter writing task, we would like you to write a letter to Captain Tom Moore about his most recent achievement. The task is set on Purple Mash. We have done letter writing once before, remember when we wrote to Father Christmas? You all did a fantastic job and even recorded your letters on the ipads. Can you remember what a letter should include?

I have created a letter template for you with his address already included but to get to you will need to click some buttons

First click    next  

Then either


And in there you will find a file called

 finally, click  

If you can’t quite remember all the points about letter writing, don’t worry. Here is an example to help you

I have attached a success criteria below to hopefully help you out, I can’t wait to see the letters that you write.

Success Criteria – Letter Writing


I have written my address


I have written the date in full


I have written the address of who I am writing to


I have written a greeting and who I am writing to (e.g. Dear ____)


I have said why I am writing


I have signed off appropriately


I have written in paragraphs


I have used capital letters and full stops



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