Nursery Home Learning 15th May

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 9:20pm

Hi everyone,

It's Friday!

Remember to have fun today.

I can't believe the quality of work this week. I have really enjoyed looking at all the different things that you have been doing at home with your grown-ups. take a look at some of the challenges completed yesterday:

This Penguin conducted an experiment using just water, vegetable oil, food colouring and an Alka seltzer tablet. It looks so mesmerising!

Here are today's challenges:

Challenges 1:

Can you retell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears?
Maybe your cottage has three different animals living there...

Challenge 2:

Please also complete activities on Purple Mash, Mini Mash, IXL or PhonicsPlay.

Lastly, here is another story just for you!

Have a fabulous day
Miss Altham


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