Nursery Home Learning 9th June

Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 9:54pm

Hi there penguins!

I hope you are all ok!

Some of our class came in for their first day back at school yesterday and we had a great day doing all the challenges that you did at home. You were all greatly missed by Mrs Mort and me!

You did a great job on your hugs. Take a look at some of them:

I'm glad to see that you are still using all the online resources like IXL and Oxford Owl to do some learning.

You are doing a great job with your learning keep it up everyone. Don't forget to blog so that we can see what you've been up to!

Here are your challenges for today:

Challenge 1:

What did the tortoise and the hedgehog do to cheer each other up?
Can you draw pictures of what they did and label them?

How can you cheer your friends and family up?

Challenge 2:

It is very important to take a break during your busy days and have time to relax. Have a go at the yoga session below with a grown-up and maybe have some quiet time with the music I have listed below.
To challenge yourself, you could explain why yoga is good for you.
Does it help you relax?
What parts of your body does it stretch?

Have a super day!

Miss Altham

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