Owls Home Learning 04.05.20

Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 10:11pm

Happy Star Wars day everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. At least the rain managed to hold off for most of it! I spent the weekend doing some odd jobs around the house, speaking to friends and family on FaceTime and watching some boxsets. 

I've been so impressed with how hard you have been working on IXL - a big shout out to Alex, Luke and Jazmin for accessing their learning this week! Great job! 

So far, since Easter you've answered 38,762 questions and spent 213 hours on your work - that's amazing!!

Today's home learning is:

IXL - Maths - Addition - D1, D4, D5

IXL - English - Contractions - T1, T2, T3

There's a great video on BBC Bitesize and some games that you can play which may help you with contractions in grammar - they can be quite tricky! Click on the picture below to be taken to the website:

This week's writing task is all about VE Day!

On Friday we Britain will be celebrating the anniversary of VE Day, which is when World War Two ended. A blog was posted on Friday to detail some activities that you could do this week as part of the celebrations. 

For this week's writing task we are asking you to make a fact file about what VE Day is and why we celebrate it. Now I know we have not really written many fact files so I have attached an example of this below as well as a success criteria. 

The task is set on Purple Mash but you can present it in any way you wish, be this through a poster, a handwritten factual leaflet, a word document, a powerpoint etc. Please include any photos of your finished product so that they can be displayed on the blog. 


This is also a great website to look at based on the day - click on the image of the people celebrating to be taken to the Newsround page:

Here is the success criteria to help you know what to include in your writing:

Success Criteria – VE Day Fact file


I have included a title


I have included  facts (aim for at least 5)


I have included sub-headings


I have organised my writing into paragraphs


My facts make sense to the reader


I have included good vocabulary


I have used capital letters and full stops



I look forward to seeing all of your hard work this week Owl Class as well as seeing your blog posts - they brighten up my day!

Miss Whalley



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