Owls Home Learning 20.04.20

Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 9:24pm

Good morning my little pickles! I hope you’re all well and have had a lovely weekend! 

It was my niece Erin’s 8th birthday yesterday and whilst I couldn’t be with her to celebrate, it was lovely to talk to her on FaceTime so she could show me all of the presents she received. I bought her the illustrated version of Harry Potter which she is very excited to start reading! Here is my favourite photo and me and Erin when she was a baby - I am, of course, reading to her!

Have you seen the news about Captain Tom Moore? He has raised over £25 million for NHS charities by walking laps round his care home. What a wonderful achievement!

It is his 100th birthday on 30th April - why don’t you make him a card to say happy birthday? Here is a picture of my niece creating hers to send him.

Today’s home learning is:

IXL maths - measurement - R7, R8, R9

IXL English - verbs - O9, O10, O11

We have set new 2Dos on Purple Mash and there are comprehensions in Read Theory,

Have any of you read any of the online books on Oxford Owls? Let me know on your blogs if you have. 

We  are starting a new way of looking at spellings. If you log onto your own pupil blog, you will see a discussion that I have set. Here you will find 10 spellings for the week. Please practise them this week and then get your mum or dad to test you on Friday. Then you can respond to the discussion with your score. I’m sure you’ll all do a wonderful job if you practose as much as you do when we’re usually in school. 

Finally, there’s a great website that I’d like to share with you that has lots of fun science: https://drchips.weebly.com

Don't forget to blog this week and show me what you have been up to. It’s a lovely way to keep in contact!

Miss Whalley 


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