Owls Home Learning 22.06.20

Date: 21st Jun 2020 @ 5:45pm

Good morning Owl Class and happy Monday!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed spending yesterday with your dads! I spent the afternoon with my family, having a socially distanced catch up, and I bought my dad some garden centre vouchers as he loves looking after the plants and animals in his garden! 


I've been really impressed with your work on IXL last week! 

These people answered over 300 questions:

Ethan, Rosie, Leo, Emmy, Max P, Jack, Heidi and Keiji

These people answered over 600 questions:

Felix and Imogen

Lucy answered over 800 questions

Tristan and Jazmin answered over 1000 questions!!


Today's home learning is:

English - looking at retrieving information from Chapter 2 of The Firework Maker's Daughter. Click on the image below to go to the page:

Maths - To identify shapes by the number of sides and vertices. Click on the image below to go to the page:

There is a worksheet at the end, however if you would like some more practise, you can go onto IXL.

IXL - Maths - Year 2 - Two dimensional shapes - N3

IXL - Grammar - Year 2 - Short and long vowels - G1, G2


This week's writing task is based on the story Supertato by Sue Hendra. Start off by watching the a video of the story being read found by clicking on the picture below:

Then we would like you to think about the character of Evil Pea and write a character description all about him! Here is the success criteria to help you know what to include:

Success Criteria for a character description

Describe what the character looks like

Describe what the character acts, speaks and moves

Describe what the character thinks and feels

Use capital letters and full stops

Include adjectives to describe the character

Use adverbs to describe how the character does something


This week's topic homework web activity is:

I'm looking forward to seeing your creations and you modelling them on your blogs this week smiley


Don't forget there are reading comprehensions on Read Theory and 2Dos set on Purple Mash.


We had some super blog updates at the end of last week. Well done!

Eli and Jack completed their superhero comic strips:


Baking and decorating biscuits for Father's Day:


Felix, Eli and Isabelle wrote fact files about their dads:


We even had someone create their own ice cream van! I'll have a 99 ice cream please smiley


Have a wonderful Monday Owl Class!

Miss Whalley



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