Owls Home Learning 30.04.20

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 7:07pm

Good morning my little green beans! 

I hope you had a good Wednesday! It rained a lot here in Manchester but then suddenly the sun came out, so I grabbed my trainers and went for a walk. It was lovely to get outside and see all of the beautiful flowers on the trees.

Today's learning is:

IXL - Maths - Mixed Operations - J1, J2, J3

IXL - English - Alphabetical Order - V1, V2

Don't forget there are 2Dos on Purple Mash and reading comprehensions on Read Theory.

It was lovely to see some blog posts come through. Some of you are exercising with Joe Wicks (and Mum!), exploring new places on walks and using IQ builder puzzles to pass the time!


Keep up the wonderful work Owl Class, I'm very proud of how you're all handling this very strange situation we find ourselves in, I miss you all very much!

Miss Whalley

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