Penguin 2nd June Homelearning

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 8:18pm

Good morning penguins! 

I hope you are all ok today.  There was lots of great learning yesterday, it sound like you all had a really good half term.  I was really impressed with your writing and love how it is getting better even though you are at home.  That shows me that you are working really hard on it, keep it up Penguins.



Today we are going to recap on subtraction using a numberline and by counting back.  Have a look at the videos again to remind you.

Then, choose 2 numbers and can you subtract the smallest number from the biggest. Can you record your answers in a number sentence?  Remember to put the biggest number first.

Challenge:  Remember you can challenge yourself by using bigger numbers.



We are going to look at the story of Jack and the Beanstalk this week. Watch the video of the story.

We are going to write a character profile today about Jack.

First, what adjectives can you think of to describe Jack?  Is he small or big?  Is he kind or mean?  What colour hair does he have?  Write a list of all your adjectives.

Now can you write 3 sentences about Jack using the adjectives you have already thought of.

I have added a WAGOLL below to help you.



Jack has blond hair.

He is strong and good at clighmbing.


Challenge:  Can you use a conjunction to add more information to your sentence?




Phase 3 rocket rescue today Penguins.  Remember you can do phase 2 or 4 if you need to.

Daily reminders:

  • Oxford owl reading
  • Purple Mash
  • Spellings 

Don’t forget to upload your pictures on the blog so I can see what you have been doing. 

Have a great day!


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