Penguins 12th May Home Learning

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 8:16pm

Good morning penguins! 

We had such a good day yesterday, let’s see if we can do the same again today!


We are going to look at sharing again today, if you still need to use objects because you’re not 100% sure then that is fine, make sure you are secure with that first.  If you can do that then we are going to move onto sharing using drawings.

Ask your grown up for different numbers (or you can use the numbers from yesterday).

Challenge: Can you use higher numbers?


Have a read or watch of The Three Billy Goats Gruff again. The settings video doesn’t seem to be working today, sorry guys but I know you know how to write these sentences. Can you write at least 2 sentences about the setting in the story? I have added an example below.

Challenge:  Can you use the story language to continue writing your story today?


Let’s practice using our sounds to sound out and write different words.  Can you play space race today?  Try and play with sounds you need to practise with.

Daily reminders:

  • Oxford owl reading
  • Purple Mash 
  • Spellings

Don’t forget to upload your pictures on the blog so I can see what you have been doing. 

Have a great day!


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