Penguins 15th May Home Learning

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 3:59pm

Good morning penguins! 

I can’t believe its Friday again, we have had another amazing week with our learning and I have loved reading some of the stories you have written, you are really trying hard with your writing.

You all seemed to be really enjoy the measuring yesterday!  I love this video I got sent, great concentration and language! Well done!

I love some of the repeating pattern names you have been making on Purple Mash!


We are going to look at measuring again today.  Using your steps can you count how long each room is.  Start at one end and walk to the other keeping your feet close to each other?

Can you write the name of each room and how many feet long it was?

Which is the biggest room?  Which is the smallest?  How do you know?  


Ask your grownups to quiz you on your spellings this week.

Can you choose at least 2 of your spellings and put them into sentences using an adjective?

Your choice Friday. Can you choose a game to play that helps you practise the sounds you are not about?

Daily reminders:

  • Oxford owl reading
  • Purple Mash 

Don’t forget to upload your pictures on the blog so I can see what you have been doing. 

Have a great day!


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