Puffins - Afternoon Learning

Date: 15th Jan 2021 @ 12:30am

What a different yet wonderful week for all children in Puffins! Those of us who are in school are really missing all of our Puffins at home but it has been wonderful seeing all the work you have been doing at home! It has been a week of firsts and starting our brand new topics! This week we began our History topic, The Victorians, and focussed on the life of Queen Victoria. We also began our RE topic 'Who is Jewish and how do they live?'. This week we learnt about what is precious to Jewish people. Our Science topic for this half term is 'Materials', we began this by describing, comparing and grouping materials by their properties. In PSHE this week we thought about the importance of rules; our home Puffins created rules for their homes and our class Puffins created rules for school. Our class Puffins have also been learning about what an algorithm is and enjoyed making jam sandwiches as part of our new Computing topic! We had a wonderful art lesson, exploring different media and experimenting with lines and shapes and we enjoyed playing the 1234 pulse game in Music. Take a look at some of the fantastic thing we have been up to! 

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