Puffins - Star of the Week and Key Questions

Date: 25th Sep 2020 @ 11:02pm

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What a week this young man has had! He always gives 100% effort in every lesson and this week he has blown me away in Science. Well done Mr! 

We have had a super busy week in Puffins with lots and lots of learning. We have been looking at the difference between physical and human geography, how people show they belong to a faith community, ways to keep safe online, what a habitat is, the work of Eric Carle... Plus so much more! Here are some key questions to ask your child at home about their learning this week. 

  • What is a habitat? 
  • What four countries make up the UK?
  • Is a town part of physical geography or human geography?
  • What technique to Eric Carle use to create his illustrations?
  • Can you think of one thing Muslims use to show they belong?
  • Why do we use an avatar instead of a photograph?

Have a lovely weekend Puffin families! :)

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