Puffins 13.05.20 Home learning

Date: 12th May 2020 @ 6:47pm

Happy Wednesday Puffins!


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It is a special day today because it is Miss Thompson’s birthday! I know lots of you have been spending your birthday’s at home, so please share any fun things you did on the blog! I am going to spend the day playing games and eating some birthday cake.

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Special Mentions

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A super well done to Henri and Liam for amazing Purple Mash work, great work drawing their own houses! Jacob worked super hard last week making his tshirt for VE day. It is amazing, well done!  Also, we have been so impressed to see the children in our class caring for and reading to their younger siblings. It is wonderful to see!

Today's Learning

Maths Year 1 D2, D10, N9

English Year 2 R1, R2,  U2

Please also complete activities on:

Read Theory 

Writing task (see separate blog post)

Purple Mash

Spellings for the week in the discussion section (these link to the online phonics)

Phonics 'e-e' video attached.


Also a video is attached to help with understanding split digraphs in Phonics.


Have a wonderful day

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Miss Thompson and Mrs Lenagan

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