Puffins 27.04.20 Home learning

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:22am

Hello Puffins!

20 Good morning wishes with cartoon images

I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine. We have been painting in the garden and also talked about where different animals live and why, it was lots of fun! What exciting things have you been doing? Please share with us on the blog!

Special mentions

Super Star Clipart

A super special to all of our class this week for answering a huge 20,000 questions, you are superstars!

Also, some of you have shared your wonderful posters for the NHS, super work! Conor has been looking at local wildlife and Shane has made a yummy wrap on Purple mash. Amazing job! Keep sharing your activities on the pupil blogs. Attached at the bottom are images of their work J


Today’s learning


Maths - E1 E6 D13

English- year 2 - M4 U1 U3

Please also complete activities on:

Read Theory

Purple Mash - check 2dos

The writing task for this week is a letter  and will be added in a separate blog. This week we are asking you to write a letter to Captain Tom Moore about his recent achievement, completing 100 laps around his garden, raising so much money for charity and also his upcoming 100th Birthday.


Phonics sound today is oy - video is attached underneath.  Spellings will be on the class discussion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s63ANg_S3g

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Enjoy your week and stay safe!



Miss Thompson and Mrs Lenagan


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