Puffins Home Learing 23.04.20

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 10:12pm

Hello Puffins!

Happy Thursday, I’m not quite sure what we did with the day yesterday. We were just all very busy working/playing but we did make time for a very long walk in the sunshine. On our walk we discovered a pond that we hadn't ever seen before which took us by surprise and really made us smile.


Special mentions

Everyday I’m so proud of what I hear and see from you all; you are a ray of sunshine in my day!Firstly, well done to Elias for adding to the blog, sharing his news and a lovely picture with us. Harrison has told us how he has been trying really hard at home with phonics, writing and lots of other activities. Cullen and Willow have done some fabulous work on Purple Mash. (All pictures can be seen in the photo gallery). I have also noticed a big increase in the number of children logging on. Look at the statistics below. A huge well done, over 15 000 answered!

Today’s learning
Maths R12, S.2 (Pictograms may need explaining as we haven’t covered this in class), D15
English- I.1, M.8 (we have done some work on this in class grammar lessons), S.1

Please also complete activities on:
Read Theory
Purple Mash

Spelling and writing task



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