Robins Class - Home Learning 13.5.20

Date: 12th May 2020 @ 9:43pm

Happy Wednesday Robins smiley

I hope that you are all doing well. I love the character in the picture I have put above, Winnie the Pooh is my favourite character from childhood books. For my 7th Birthday, my grandparents bought me a collection of all the Winnie the Pooh stories, I actually saw it in our school library last year and it brought back some great memories from my childhood, reading with my Nana and Grandad. Who is your favourite book character? 

Writing task

The writing tasks have started to come in already this week. I really enjoyed reading Dakota's letter to her Grandma and Harris wrote one that made me laugh out loud to his future self, it was a brilliant read Harris. I will attach them both to this blog post so that you can have a read. Chloe has also made a fantastic memory/hope jar I really enjoyed reading what you hope to do when this is all over. Thank you so much for sharing guys!

Today's home learning is as follows:


Maths – Year 2 – Measurement - R.7, R.8, R.9

English – Nouns - N.1, N.2

Don’t forget there are 2Dos set on Purple Mash. Times Table Rockstars is also available too, it is great to see some of you improving your times tables knowledge. I’ve seen so many more of you on readtheory which is excellent. Keep aiming for one comprehension a day. 

Remember the writing task as well, remember to blog your finished product.

Today sound is 'e_e'


Have a fantastic day everybody! 


Miss Woodward

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