Robins Class Home Learning - 1.5.20

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 7:48pm

Happy Friday Robins smiley

I can't believe that we are in the month of May already it seems like only a couple of weeks ago when a few of you were mentioning your May Birthdays to Mrs Forshaw in our Monday Assembly.


I am so proud that so many of you have accessed IXL this week, some of you are blowing me away with how much you complete each day. You are all superstars!

Keep up the good work, remember to post your spelling test results today, if you have not already!

Today’s home learning is as follows:


Maths – Year 2 – Subtraction Strategies - I.1, I.2

English – Adjectives - Q.7, Q.8

Don’t forget there are 2Dos set on Purple Mash. Times Table Rockstars is also available too, it is great to see some of you improving your times tables knowledge. I’ve seen so many more of you on readtheory which is excellent. Keep aiming for one comprehension a day. So many more of you have accessed readtheory this week. Well done!

Have a superb Friday everyone!


Miss Woodward yes


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