Robins Class. Home learning 27th March 2020

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 8:23am

Good Morning Robins, 

What a fabulous week we have had weather-wise. We made it to Friday I am pleased to see how well some of you have adapted to your home learning, I am very proud of how quickly you have embraced the change!

I'm really enjoying reading new books at the moment, I started a new one last night and it already has me hooked, with this in mind it would be great to see some more people using readtheory. Are any of you reading new books?

Last night, half my street came out to clap/support the NHS for the work that they are currently doing, it was a very moving moment. Did you join in with the clap? I'd love to hear about it if you did.

Thanks God! its Friday. - Home | Facebook

Today's learning is as follows:


Maths - Year 2 - G.1, G.2, H.2

English - Year 2 - U.3, S.1, S.2

Please also complete activities on:

Read Theory

Times Tables Rockstars

Purple Mash

Have a weekend everyone, stay safe laugh


Miss Woodward

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