Robins Home Learning 15.06.20

Date: 14th Jun 2020 @ 8:33pm

Good morning Robins Class! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.


This week's home learning is:

IXL - Maths - Year 2 - Understanding Addition - B1, B2, B3

IXL - English - Year 2 - Rhyming  - B1, B2, B3


** New IXL usernames and passwords will have been emailed to you this morning. Please use these from now on **


There are reading comprehensions on Read Theory and 2Dos set on Purple Mash.


Today's phonics video can be found by clicking on the image below:


This week's writing task is linked to Father's Day. We would like you to write a fact file all about your Dad/Step Dad/Grandad/Uncle and tell us all about why they are so great!

Here is the success criteria of what you need to include:

Success criteria for Father’s Day fact file

I have included:

  • name (don’t include his last name please – remember to keep information safe online!)
  • date of birth
  • where he was born
  • brothers or sisters

I have included facts about what he likes

I have written about why he is special

I have used adjectives to describe him

I have used full stops and capital letters in my sentences

I have drawn a picture of him doing his favourite thing

This week's afternoon task is:

Here is an example of a comic strip to help you:


Have a wonderful day Robins Class!

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