Starlings Home Learning 11.5.20

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 8:17am

Good morning Starlings!

I hope you have had a lovely long weekend, and that you managed to celebrate VE Day responsibly. We had a street party using Zoom and my house even won the waterslide duck race!

Some of you may have heard Boris Johnson’s speech about lockdown last night. No matter what happens over the following weeks, I hope you remember to keep washing your hands and respect the social distancing. I really would like to see you all back healthy and well!

Your work this week is as follows:

LBQ: wqd

Writing Task: Your task is to attempt another newspaper article. The focus this week will be everything about Coronavirus. What has happened, what we believe will happen next, an interview with someone in your house about how they feel. Please see the class discussion page for more guidance.

Afternoon Learning: Create a graph or chart to compare different volcanoes around the world (Try to choose some volcanoes you have not researched before). You could look at their height, width, age or surface area.

Please keep logging on to TTRockstars to practice your Times Tables. You are encouraged to challenge myself, other teachers or your friends in school.

Read theory and IXL are also still available for if you would like to further your learning on an area that you think you would benefit most from.

Let’s have another great week Starlings! Enjoy yourselves, stay safe!

Mr Dean

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