Starlings Home Learning 24.4.20

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:42am

Good morning Starlings! 

You have made it through yet another week and have been really impressing myself and other teachers with the amount of work you have been doing!


Your LBQ code is: etq

Please do not forget that I can see all of your names when you are signing in. I am just reminding you to spell your name correctly first time so that it does not come up with multiple accounts for one person, as well as to only put you name and last initial if someone else shares your name. Thank you for your co-operation. 


Please upload your spelling test score to the class discussion and hand in your writing task via your own blog or Purple Mash by the end of the day.

Have a fantastic day Starlings, enjoy your weekend as you have earned a break!

All the best, 

Mr Dean

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