Swallows 28th April 2020 - Home Learning

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 7:58am

Good Morning Swallows!!!

Good Morning Swallows!

Welcome to another fine and glorious day on the Swallows train! I hope you had a lovely Monday, 20 of you online yesterday completing some excellent learning! Keep up that resilience. I was out walking for a few miles yesterday and even had a dip in the River Douglas with 2 extremely noisy children! I hope the day brough sunshine and happiness all...

Here are today’s learning tasks:

LBQ – Code hpg (all lowercase)

There are 3 tasks, please complete all 3 tasks. If you get stuck, read the feedback – remember it is ok to get it wrong as long as you give the feedback a go Swallows. How else do we learn?


Every day I set you a reading task on LBQ. Over the week try to complete at least ONE comprehension on Read Theory.

Afternoon Task

This week’s task is to choose one of the volcanoes you researched last week, or a completely new one.  I would like you to find 5 facts about it and research the country in which it is located. This could include information about the culture, people and language spoken, food and music.  I recommend Vesuvius on the western coast of Italy; it would have really linked well with our Roman Topic!

Other Tasks

Have a look at your ‘discussion’ feed on your ‘school spider’ log-ins. Here you will find the spellings, writing tasks and your afternoon task for this week. I have really enjoyed seeing all your smiling faces and the learning you have undertaken so please remember to blog as much as you can.

REMEMBER: Pupil verification code is 956789

One last thing to think about…

Why Do We Fall?

 Ciao all, take care today!

Mr P 🌈🌈🌈


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