VE Celebrations KS2

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 11:00am

VE Celebrations – WB 4.5.20 


Dear Parents, 

Next week marks the 75th anniversary of VE Day and despite not being in school, we would still like to be able to celebrate this with the children. 

It would be brilliant if at home you could have a tea party or a picnic on Friday as a special celebration on this day. Some streets are planning a ‘Stay at home street party’.  


At home, it would be great if your child could make a VE Day t shirt (decorate a plain t shirt using felt tips of fabric paint) which they can wear to their own VE Day tea party/picnic. 


Here are some ideas for your child to complete at home if they would like to. If you do complete any of these activities, we would love you to share them with us on the blog.  


Here are some websites which you may like to visit: 

Useful websites: 



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