Our blogs

Starlings - A message to parents

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 1:26pm

Dear Parents,

I wanted to contact you today to say thank you for support and feedback with your child’s learning from home. When the I  have been making phone calls to you, one aspect that keeps being discussed is motivating your children do lots of work. Please don’t worry about this. There is no competition and what you do with your children is what you do. There will be learning going on in your homes that can never be taught in school and this generation of children will be all the better for this. Don’t try and keep up with everyone around you. You know your children best and what is best for them.


I came across the following on Social Media written on behalf of all the teachers on the planet. I’ve tweaked it for our school but have kept the sentiment that same.


Don’t stress about schoolwork. In September, we will get your children back on track. – This might take some time, but it will happen. We are teachers and that is our superpower! What we can’t fix is social-emotional trauma that prevents the brain from learning. So right now, we just need you to share your calm, share your strength and share your laughter with your children. No children are ahead. No children are behind. Your children are exactly where they need to be - with you.


Take care and keep safe


Mr Dean

Rainbow Stay Safe Print and Display - The Natural World from Early ...

Starlings Home Learning - 27.4.20

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 9:00am

Good morning Starlings!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend in the sun, staying safe! Last week was our best week so far for the amount of work we completed, but we are not quite perfect yet. Let's keep going and improving this week!

Your LBQ Code is: odk

Thank you for all your amazing writing last week, it was all great! Hopefully even more join in this week, remember this task isn't optional. 

WRITING - This week I would like you to write a full letter to your future self. This letter will be about everything that is happening at the moment, how you are feeling and what you are most looking forward to doing once this lockdown is over. I will set up a class discussion for this task for you all to submit it there. 













AFTERNOON TASK - Compare 2 volcanoes from around the world and record what you notice about where they are, when they last erupted, their size etc. 

Have a lovely day,

Mr Dean

Kingfishers Home Learning 27th April

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:46am

Good morning everyone, I hope you have enjoyed the sunshine again this weekend. You worked really hard last week and we had some great engagement levels. I am really enjoying logging on and seeing the effort you are putting into maintaining your learning during a new and unusual time. You have taken it all in your stride (and parents too!laugh).

Todays tasks are as follows:

1) Read Theory - minimum x2 (approx 30mins)

2) Times tables rockstars (approx 20 mins)

3) LBQ code - zdg

Watch the videos below before hand.

English input - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/zsrt4qt

Maths input - https://www.khanacademy.org/math/geometry/hs-geo-foundations/hs-geo-area/v/perimeter-and-area-basics

Heres one of my examples below - if it is a compound shape like this, yopu need to break the shape down into two seperate quadrilaterals and then find their area individually. Then you add them together to find the area of whole shape. Don't forget to add your 'squared' symbol (2) at the end opf your answer.

4) New writing task on SeeSaw - Thanks to those who submitted their writing on SeeSaw on Friday, I really appreciate your hard work. I will feedback to everyone individually today on SeeSaw. Here is Layton's letter below (I will post more in an individual blog latersmiley).

 Under half of the class submitted a piece of writing last week so it's important that we try and improve on that from now on. The task has been set on SeeSaw with a day by day checklist. DO NOT COMPLETE IT ALL ON THE FIRST DAY.  

Today I would just reccomend to look at the 3 examples I have attached on Seesaw, look for any key vocabulary or features that you like and make a note of them. You could use an online thesaurus to make a word bank of key words that you could include in your letter.

5) Afternoon topic web work - Again, I've been really impressed with the afternoon work submissions on SeeSaw, I will feedback today and post some work on the blog. Here are some themed paintings by Maisie and Neve.

6) Spellings -  I will attach this weeks spellings onto SeeSaw, you have until Friday to practice them. You can then test yourselves and upload your test onto SeeSaw.


Puffins 27.04.20 Home learning

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:22am

Hello Puffins!

20 Good morning wishes with cartoon images

I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine. We have been painting in the garden and also talked about where different animals live and why, it was lots of fun! What exciting things have you been doing? Please share with us on the blog!

Special mentions

Super Star Clipart

A super special to all of our class this week for answering a huge 20,000 questions, you are superstars!

Also, some of you have shared your wonderful posters for the NHS, super work! Conor has been looking at local wildlife and Shane has made a yummy wrap on Purple mash. Amazing job! Keep sharing your activities on the pupil blogs. Attached at the bottom are images of their work J


Today’s learning


Maths - E1 E6 D13

English- year 2 - M4 U1 U3

Please also complete activities on:

Read Theory

Purple Mash - check 2dos

The writing task for this week is a letter  and will be added in a separate blog. This week we are asking you to write a letter to Captain Tom Moore about his recent achievement, completing 100 laps around his garden, raising so much money for charity and also his upcoming 100th Birthday.


Phonics sound today is oy - video is attached underneath.  Spellings will be on the class discussion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s63ANg_S3g

" />


Enjoy your week and stay safe!



Miss Thompson and Mrs Lenagan


Swallows 27th April 2020 - Home Learning

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:15am

Good Morning Swallows!!!

Swallows and Owls, Years 4 and 5 2017/18 | Holly Hill Primary and ...

I can’t quite believe the effort from all of you once again! Above are some great examples of your home learning, just goes to show how hard you are all working! I hope you are all getting along really well, and the weekend treated you well. I have just finished my latest book, a story about Genghis Khan, have a look for him on google with your adults -what a leader! Quite a brutal chap though but managed to conquer much of the world.

Try to catch some of the nice weather while it is still here Swallows, maybe try some gardening or have a wonder into the local area for daily exercise. All this is great for local Geography!

Here are today’s tasks Swallows:

LBQ – Code: phv (all lowercase)

There are 3 tasks, please complete all 3 tasks. If you get stuck, have a look at the video below:


Or, regroup from each column like in class. Move from the ‘neighbours’ houses, next door, when subtracting:

1.   2.   3.  

Weekly Spellings

This week’s spellings are again on your ‘discussion’ tabs on your school spider log-ins. I have also uploaded on your Purple Mask 2do list, a quiz to help you to learn them. On Friday, I would like you to ask a parent to test you and then let me know your score as part of the discussion, just like last week.

(See discussion thread on your pupil blogs)

Weekly Writing Task

This week’s writing task will also be uploaded to your ‘discussion blogs’ year 3. I must point out that there was some fantastic effort Year 3 with this task but some children (and parents!) found it tricky to upload these to Purple Mash. Therefore, going forward, there will be a ‘discussion’ on your school spider log-ins. Please upload this as you did with spellings to save any confusion with different programmes.

This week’s task is as follows:

LO: To write a setting description of a beach.

Year 5: Describing a setting - YouTubeScary Beach Stock Photos & Scary Beach Stock Images - Alamy

This week, I would you to write about a beach. Seeing as we have had such good weather recently, and we are not able to head to the sand, this is a perfect opportunity to use your imagination to get yourselves there! This could be a beach you have visited on holiday, or a beach that you would like to go to. This could be the most glorious place in the world, or the most frightening experience as a storm approach… Have a look at the picture above!

Try to include the following as a success criteria:

Success Criteria:

Did you include?

Teacher assessment:

  • Capital letters and full stops.


  • Presentation – kicks and flicks within



  • Noun phrases - 2 or more describing

words as adjectives, e.g. the huge, green leaves of the palm trees.



  • Similes – use the words ‘like’ to describe, eg. It was like the earth shattering!


  • Use of your senses – what can you see, hear, smell, feel or taste (in the breeze)?



Other ideas:

IXL – Visit this site every week to practise some of the learning in the Year 3 Maths and English sections (passwords are your child’s full name in lowercase letters followed by 460 (mrpryle460). Password is qwerty).

Read Theory – Complete a reading comprehension every day if you can as part of your reading challenge

Times Tables Rock Stars – visit this at least 3 times a week to practise your times tables.

Purple mash is great for research...

Final Thought:

Many thanks to parents for your continued support as always. It was lovely to speak to so many happy and enthusiastic people last week on my phone call’s round. It makes the job very much worthwhile!

Ciao all, take care today!

Mr P 🌈🌈🌈

Eagles - 27th April- Home Learning

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:06am

Good Morning Eagles!

Well done last week everyone - some super learning taking place! The number of completed comprehensions on Reading Solutions was much higher, but there are still some children not completing the recommended 5 per week - another chance to make that happen this week!

Please make sure you have a good go at the tasks set. Some children, naming no names (this time), have only completed 1 or 2 questions before logging out again. I know there can be technical difficulties at times, but I'm not sure this is the case all the time. If you are really struggling to access learning, please get in touch through the pupil blog.


Today's Home Learning:


English and Science- xfj

Maths and Topic - cqk

There are 2 maths tasks. Please complete the Step 1/2 Task or the Step 3/4 Task. If you want to do both, that is also fine!

Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension (minimum)

Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. 


If you're struggling, there are various things to do.

1. Read the support I have attached to the bottom of this blog.  

2. Read the feedback carefully from LBQ, it provides you with tips and hints. 

3.Post a comment on the blog and I will respond as soon as I can to support you. 

4. Look for examples online, tutorials through videos. 


SPAG Support - Task 2:

I have uploaded a video to help you with Task 2, looking at the use of past progressive and present progressive before applying this to some LBQ examples. 


This website will also support you: 


Note - Past and present progressive is also known as past and present continuous.

Maths Support - 

Taking fractions from whole numbers:


Taking 3 fractions: Deal with the first 2, then take the last.


Our Weekly Recommendation

Every week we will share with you one of our favourite recommendations to support you at home.


BBC Bitesize are providing daily lessons for subjects throughout the curriculum. All you need to do is choose your year groups and there are lessons provided daily for you to join in with. For each lesson, there is the opportunity to watch videos, practise before applying your new learning.




Woodpecker Weekly Recommendation 27.4.20

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 11:37pm

Go Noodle


If you love to move, you will love this site! A fun collection of exercise videos to keep you active and give a bit of variety to your daily exercise.


Woodpeckers Home Learning 27.4.20

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 11:05pm


Good Morning Woodpeckers!! 

Welcome to a new week. I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. I had a BBQ on Saturday which was delicious and we baked biscuits yesterday which were really tasty.  

Here is your learning for today: 

Here are today’s tasks Woodpeckers: 

LBQ – Code   nwg   (all lowercase) 

There are 3 tasks, please complete all 3 tasks. If you get stuck, read the information given.  


Everyday I set you a reading task on LBQ. Over the week, complete one other task on Read Theory too.  

Other Tasks 

Take a look at the discussion blogs which I have posted to find your spellings, your writing and your afternoon task. I love seeing what you have been up to at home so please don’t forget to blog on the discussion blogs or the main blog what you have been up to ðŸ˜Š  

Remember the Pupil verification code 956789 


Owls Home Learning 27.04.20

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 10:00pm

Good morning my little tomatoes!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Wasn't it lovely weather? I spent most of my weekend in my garden - doing some planting and reading a book in the sunshine. I've read three books since we've been off - how many have you managed to read?

This weekend we've have children making pizzas and using telscopes! Why don't you post a blog and show everyone what you've been up to?


I was very impressed with your spellings this week Owls Class! It's great to see you all working so hard at home - I'm very proud! Remember to check your blog dashboard for this week's spellings. 

Look at all the learning that you have done on IXL last week - 22,717 questions! I am completely blown away by your dedication to your learning! Keep up the hard work - I can't wait to see how many questions you answer this week!

Today's learning is:

IXL - Maths - Patterns - T1, T2, T3

IXL English - Adjectives - Q1, Q2, Q3

Don't forget there are reading comprehensions on Read Theory and 2DOs set on Purple Mash.


This week’s writing task is to write a letter. We would like you to write a letter to Captain Tom Moore about his most recent achievements. The task is set on Purple Mash. We have done letter writing once before, remember when we wrote to Father Christmas? You all did a fantastic job and even recorded your letters on the ipads. Here is an artiicle on Newsround for you to look at and learn about Captain Tom Moore's achievements:


I have created a letter template for you with his address already included but to get to you will need to click some buttons

First click    next  

Then either


And in there you will find a file called

 finally, click  

If you can’t quite remember all the points about letter writing, don’t worry. Here is a WAGOLL to help you

I have attached a success criteria below so you know what you need to include. I can’t wait to see the letters that you write.

Success Criteria – Letter Writing


I have written my address


I have written the date in full


I have written the address of who I am writing to


I have written a greeting and who I am writing to (e.g. Dear ____)


I have said why I am writing


I have signed off appropriately


I have written in paragraphs


I have used capital letters and full stops


Miss Whalley

Robins Class Home Learning - 27.4.20

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 9:21pm

Happy Monday Robins 😊

I hope you have had a lovely weekend, hasn't the weather been amazing! I have been on a couple of walks this weekend and done a couple of yoga workouts, both really helped me relax. What have you guys been doing?

Today’s home learning is as follows:


Maths – Year 2 – Time – W.16, W.17, W.18

English – Verbs – O.16, O.17, O.18

Don’t forget there are 2Dos set on Purple Mash. Times Table Rockstars is also available too, it is great to see some of you improving your times tables knowledge. I’ve seen so many more of you on readtheory which is excellent. Keep aiming for one comprehension a day.

Homeschooling - How to Teach Your Child Spelling Words – Reading Eggs

Mrs Lenagan - sound 'oy'


New spellings will be on the discussion board for this week, you did so well last week!

Writing task

There is a new writing task, all details are on a seperate blog to give you more detail. This week we are asking you to write a letter to Captain Tom Moore about his recent achievement, completing 100 laps around his garden, raising so much money for charity and also his upcoming 100th Birthday.

Have a great day everyone.


Miss Woodward 😊

KS1 Letter Writing Task w/c 27.4

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 9:07pm

This week’s task is a letter writing task, we would like you to write a letter to Captain Tom Moore about his most recent achievement. The task is set on Purple Mash. We have done letter writing once before, remember when we wrote to Father Christmas? You all did a fantastic job and even recorded your letters on the ipads. Can you remember what a letter should include?

I have created a letter template for you with his address already included but to get to you will need to click some buttons

First click    next  

Then either


And in there you will find a file called

 finally, click  

If you can’t quite remember all the points about letter writing, don’t worry. Here is an example to help you

I have attached a success criteria below to hopefully help you out, I can’t wait to see the letters that you write.

Success Criteria – Letter Writing


I have written my address


I have written the date in full


I have written the address of who I am writing to


I have written a greeting and who I am writing to (e.g. Dear ____)


I have said why I am writing


I have signed off appropriately


I have written in paragraphs


I have used capital letters and full stops



Nursery Home Learning 27th April

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 8:15pm

Good morning my lovely Penguins,

It’s Monday again! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I finished building a new table and enjoyed having a barbeque in the garden.

I have been looking at all of the wonderful things that you’ve been up to on PurpleMash and at home, I’m very impressed! Gianluca set up a camera with his grown-ups to observe some animals in the wild and take a look at what he saw!

I have missed reading stories with you, so to kickstart our topic of traditional tales, I wanted to share with you one of my favourite stories. Do you recognise it?

Jack and the Beanstalk

I am going to post two challenges for you every day now and I am really looking forward to seeing your completed challenges on the school blog.

Challenge one
To begin this wonderful week, can you create Jack’s beanstalk?
What colour is it?
How big will you make the beanstalk?
What sounds can you hear in 'Jack' and 'beanstalk'?

Challenge two

Please also complete activities on Purple Mash, Mini Mash, IXL or PhonicsPlay

I hope to see you all soon,

Miss Altham

Doves - 27th April - Home Learning

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 8:13pm

Good Morning Doves! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for morning learning! 😊  


Today's Home Learning:

English and Science- xfj

Maths - cqk

There are 2 maths tasks. Please complete the Step 1/2 Task or the Step 3/4 Task. If you want to do both, that is also fine! 

Reading Solutions / Read Theory (Y5)- 1 comprehension (minimum)

Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. 


Our Weekly Recommendation

Every week we will share with you one of our favourite recommendations to support you at home.


BBC Bitesize are providing daily lessons for subjects throughout the curriculum. All you need to do is choose your year groups and there are lessons provided daily for you to join in with. For each lesson, there is the opportunity to watch videos, practise before applying your new learning. 

Maths Support - 

Taking fractions from whole numbers:


Taking 3 fractions: Deal with the first 2, then take the last.

SPAG Support - Task 2:

I have uploaded a video to help you with Task 2, looking at the use of past progressive and present progressive before applying this to some LBQ examples - this is at the bottom of the page. 

This website will also support you: 


Note - Past and present progressive is also known as past and present continuous.


Have a lovely day!

Miss Fairhurst :) 




Penguin Learning 27th April

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 12:03pm

Good morning penguins! 

Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed getting out and playing in the garden.  We have had a nice quiet one with the paddling pool and water slide out, lots of fun!

I hope you are all ready for another week of learning.  I can wait to see what you get up to. 



We are going recap on taking away this week.

I have done 3 videos for subtracting with objects, drawing and using a numberline.  Try the objects first to remind yourself and then challenge yourself with another way. 

Can you answer these questions?







Challenge Can you use bigger numbers to make your number sentences harder?


This week we are going to look at Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  If you have this story at home you could read it or there are lots of online versions on youtube.

Today we are going to write sentences about the character of the story.  I have added some pictures to help. 

Challenge: can you add an adjective into your sentence? 

 You could draw or paint a picture too. 

Red group can you write 3 sentences, make sure they have an adjective in each one and can you use the conjunction 'and'.

Let’s do tricky word trucks.  How quick can you read the tricky words in either Phase 2, 3 and 4.  Remember you should know all the phase 3 tricky words by now so keep practising!   Don’t forget to challenge yourself if you know them all! 

I have added new spellings to practise on the discussion.  

Daily reminders:

  • Oxford owl reading
  • Purple Mash 

Don’t forget to upload your pictures on the blog so I can see what you have been doing. 

Have a great day!


Doves - Learning Overview - 24.04.20

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 5:22pm

Some more great work completed today! Well done Doves :)

Here is a summary of the fabulous work I've seen today: 


WOW - we had super participation today! 26 children accessed SPAG learning and 21 accessed Maths. 

Well done to Leon, Ellis and Akshay who gained full marks on Task 1 - A recap of this weeks learning!  

Well done to Akshay who gained full marks on his Maths arithmetic test today and to Ellis who was extremely close with 39/40. 

Read Theory: 

Super reading completed on Read Theory by the Y5's. 

Special mentions to the following for their number of quizzes completed: Olly (21), Oscar (17), Akshay (12) and Leon (10). 

Keep it up! 


Well done to those children who have completed their spelling tests today and recorded their scores. I was super impressed! 

Writing Task: 

I have loved reading your letters to Captain Tom Moore this week. He has been a true inspiration to the nation and your letters have captured that perfectly. 

If you haven't had the pleasure of reading them, make sure to have a nosey through the discussions to see the work your peers have completed.


Lastly, I thought I would share a few photos with you of what your classmates have been getting up to this week :) 

Woodpeckers - a great end to a great week

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 5:13pm


A great way to end a busy week Woodpeckers 

Another great day! Here are our highlights followed by some amazing work which has been sent in today. I am blown away everyday by your effort children. Absolutely fantastic. Thanks to all parents who continue to support at this difficult time.  

The following children have completed all 3 tasks on LBQ: 













Oliver B 









You have all earned 10 house points each – well done! 

Here are my star shares for today: 

An amazing volcano model and it actually erupts!! 


Amazing writing Freyja, I love the colours.

Thanking the key workers :)

Great volcano work Amber

You are superstars! Keep it going Woodpeckers 😊 

Mrs Latham 

Friday's learning

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 4:21pm

So lovely to see so many smiling faces with proof of spelling scores well done to everyone who has given me their scores in the discussion, here are just a few smiling faces from our lovely class. I will still be looking at over the next couple of days so don't worry if you haven't had a chance yet.

We have also gained a new certificate on IXL, together Robins and Owls have answered over 30,000 questions! That's incredible 

Special shoutout 

Well done to Amelia, Emily, Chloe, Harris and Leah this week who all answered well over 1,000 questions each!


Have a great weekend all, enjoy the sunshine!

Todays learning

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 3:36pm

Well what a Friday for great learning! You have all been doing really well and I have seen some brilliant learning again today.  I love reading through all your blogs. 

Well done to those children who did their spellings, rememebr to practise any of those that you found a little bit tricky. 

I have added some photos of some of the learning today, there are a few purple mash tasks being completed but I would like to see more Penguins, do you think your can try and make sure you do them next week!?

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, I'm looking forward to spending some time in the garden this weekend and seeing what videos I can get ready for you next week!

Stay safe Penguins!


Fun in the sun

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 1:57pm

We have been having loads of fun again today, we have been planting and enjoying playing games in the sun, making sure we of course that we've had our sun cream and sun hats on. 


Kingfishers Home Learning 24th April

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:56am

Good morning everyone, we have nearly completed another week. I'd like to say that this has been the best week for task completion so well done to everyone. I know you are putting a lot of work in and trying to produce the best possible quality of work. Unfortunately there have been a few instances in KS2 of inappropriate log-in names or blog comments. It is important that you use your correct first name only and are sensible when commenting on any school platform. Any inappropriate work will deleted, will not count and I will have to contact home.

Today's tasks will be as follows:

1) Read Theory x 2 minimum (aim for 30-45 mins worth)

2) LBQ code - yua

We did well again yesterday on fraction/decimal conversion. The next step is understanding percentages which is something we covered in Spring term. The link below has a few short videos which will recap your knowledge, I would recommend watching the videos on the left hand side of the page I have linked before attempting the LBQ task.


3) Writing task (Final draft) - This will be due to be submitted  TODAY. Todays section of the writing task should be: 

- FINAL DRAFT - You need to write up your final draft in your neatest possible writing. You need to make surer that there are no basic errors with punctuation, spellings, grammar. I would recommend taking your time and focusing a sentence at a time and re-reading every sentence to make sure you have got everything correct. You might want to ask someone to quickly read over your work again before submitting. I am looking forward to reading these.smiley


4) Afternoon topic web work - Choose an activity to work on this week and upload to SeeSaw when completed. 

5)It's  Friday so exercise, relax and enjoy the sunyes.


Enjoy your day and weekend everyone.


Mr Horsley

Starlings Home Learning 24.4.20

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:42am

Good morning Starlings! 

You have made it through yet another week and have been really impressing myself and other teachers with the amount of work you have been doing!


Your LBQ code is: etq

Please do not forget that I can see all of your names when you are signing in. I am just reminding you to spell your name correctly first time so that it does not come up with multiple accounts for one person, as well as to only put you name and last initial if someone else shares your name. Thank you for your co-operation. 


Please upload your spelling test score to the class discussion and hand in your writing task via your own blog or Purple Mash by the end of the day.

Have a fantastic day Starlings, enjoy your weekend as you have earned a break!

All the best, 

Mr Dean

Woodpecker Class Home Learning 24.4.20

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:31am


Good Morning Woodpeckers!! 

Happy Friday! I hope you all have a lovely day. Yesterday was St George’s Day. Me and my little girl made a flag and listened to a story about St George online. Did you manage to do anything to mark the occasion? I would love to hear if you did.  



Here is your learning for today: 

Here are today’s tasks Woodpeckers: 

LBQ – Code   ubw   (all lowercase) 

There are 3 tasks, please complete all 3 tasks. If you get stuck, read the information given. House points will be given to those children who answer all the questions :)


Complete the reading task on LBQ. Over the week, complete one other task on Read Theory too.  

Other Tasks 

Don’t forget the weekly writing, spellings and afternoon task to build a volcano 😊  

Remember to ask somebody to test you on your spellings today and upload your score to the discussion blog. Pupil verification code 956789 


Nursery Home Learning 24th April

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:23am

It's Friday, Penguins!

What a busy week we have all had. You are doing so well on IXL and Purple Mash. I love seeing all the things that you get up to on there.

Keep posting pictures on the blog too so I can see what you've been up to at home. Pippa has recycled some of her unwanted clothes to make dresses for her dolls! How creative!

Today’s home learning is:

Maths - Reception – A4, B4 (counting shapes)
Please also complete activities on Purple Mash, mini Mash and PhonicsPlay.

Don't forget to take a look at Oxford Owl and use their free online stories to read with your grown-ups.

It is another sunny day here so let's have fun out in our gardens or on our daily walks and try to complete this challenge:

But first, Let's get moving with some physical counting.

Have a fantastic weekend Penguins!

Miss Altham

Eagles - 24th April - Home Learning

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:16am

Happy Friday Eagles! 


Today's Home Learning:

English - yjc

Maths - yjm

Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension (minimum)

Writing/spellings - blog your work today!


If you're struggling, there are various things to do.

1. Post a comment on the blog and I will respond as soon as I can to support you. 

2. Read the feedback carefully from LBQ, it provides you with tips and hints. 

3. If you have access to the internet, look for examples online, tutorials through videos. 


Enjoy the arithmetic test! I know I would!

Take care,

Mr Simpson


Robins Class Home Learning - 24.4.20

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:11am

Happy Friday Robins 😊

We have made it to the end of another busy week, well done you should be very proud of yourself. Today I thought I would include a picture of my two nephews, you hear about them so much I thought you might like to see them. The first picture is my 2 ½ year old nephew doing some foot painting yesterday he loves anything where he can explore.  The second is my 4-month-old nephew, looking very adorable (I am quite biased as his Auntie). Although I am missing them lots my sister sends me regular updates and pictures of the boys which puts a big smile on my face.

Today’s home learning is as follows:


Maths – Year 2 – Time – W.13, W.14, W.15

English – Verbs – O.13, O.14, O.15

Don’t forget there are 2Dos set on Purple Mash. Times Table Rockstars is also available too, it is great to see some of you improving your times tables knowledge. I’ve seen so many more of you on readtheory which is excellent.

Homeschooling - How to Teach Your Child Spelling Words – Reading Eggs

Don’t forget to do your spelling test today and post the results in the class discussion.


Have a great day in the lovely sunshine everyone.

Miss Woodward 😊



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