Our blogs

Penguin Class Home Learning 15.04.20

Date: 15th Apr 2020 @ 4:24pm

Good morning Penguins,

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter and managed to have lots of fun in the sun. We have been really busy over here; baking, crafting, going on lots of bike rides and yet more baking!!

We were also really lucky to get a visit from the Easter bunny and enjoyed eating chocolate for breakfast as a special treat!

Don’t forget to add to your blogs to show me what you have been up to. I can’t wait to see! Remember you can comment on each other blogs to say hello and tell them how impressed you are with what they have been up to.

So many of you have still been using IXL over the Easter holidays which is amazing!
Well done Guys!

Today's tasks
Maths – Year 1 - addition - M.10, M.12, you’ll need a number line and cubes to help
you work this out today.
English – Reception - consonants – E.3, Year 1 – short vowels – I.8
Phonics play – let’s try Rocket rescue today - can you sound out all the words. Most of you are on Phase 3, if you need a challenge try Phase 4.  If Phase 3 is a little bit tricky don't worry do Phase 2. 
Please also complete activities on:
Purple Mash
Mini Mash

Don't forget to try and read every day, Oxford Owl have some great books broken down into levels that you can use.  Majority of Reception are on red, yellow or blue and work within phase 3 phonics. 

Have a great day Penguins, I’ll check in later!
Let’s kick the day off with some counting in 2's!


Robins Class Home Learning 15.4.20

Date: 15th Apr 2020 @ 4:21pm

Good Morning Robins,

I hope you have had a fantastic Easter break and are now feeling well rested. It was so lovely to speak to your parents over the Easter Holidays and I was even lucky enough to speak to some of you which I must admit put a big smile on my face. Please update me with how you are getting on and anything you got up to over the holidays!

Did any of you have an Easter Egg Hunt?

I had a lovely break, resting, relaxing and spending lots of time in the garden, although I am yet to plant anything. We have been very lucky with the weather this holiday! I went on a walk this weekend and counted the rainbows in the windows I managed to count 12 in total!

Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Today’s home learning is:
Maths – Year 2 – Counting and Number Patterns - A.4, A.6, A.7
English – Rhyming - B.1, B.2, B.3

Don’t forget there are 2Dos set on Purple Mash and Read Theory has some reading comprehensions too.

You have done a super job on IXL so far – we’ve received a certificate for answering 40,000 questions now, so

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Miss Woodward

Puffins Home learning 15.04.20

Date: 15th Apr 2020 @ 4:19pm

Hello Puffins!
I hope you have all had a lovely, relaxing Easter. I watched lots of films, ate chocolate Easter eggs
and did some Easter crafts. We made pictures using things we found in our garden and baked bunny

We would love to hear what you have been up to. Please post comments and pictures on the pupil
blogs, Mrs Lenagan and I really enjoy reading them.

During this time, it is so important that you stay positive, keep busy and carry on with your learning,
even though sometimes it can be tough. You are all superstars and we are so proud to be your
teachers. To brighten everyone’s day here is a video for you all to enjoy. Make sure you dance and
sing along - it will help you with today’s tasks :) https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-

Special mentions
A super special mention to Harrison who has completed work from the Olympics topic web during
the Easter holidays, I am super impressed! Well done!

Today’s learning
Maths u1 u2 m11
English- topics- phonics - year 1- b3 i3 k3

Please also complete activities on:
Read Theory
Purple Mash

I have really enjoyed looking at the activities you have completed on Purple Mash. Please leave comments when you have finished the 2dos so we can hear how you got on!

Have a great day, I hope the sun stays out!
Miss Thompson and Mrs Lenagan

Kingfisher: Home learning 15/4/2020

Date: 15th Apr 2020 @ 4:13pm

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all safe and well at home and managing to take advantage of this amazing weather. I have set up tasks on LBQ again for this week as before half term, if you could also post any afternoon topic web work to SeeSaw that would be amazing - I will check and reply to any comments left; it would be great to hear from you and hear what you've been up to over the past few weeks. 


Today's tasks


Read theory comprehensions x 2


LBQ code - mee


Afternoon - Topic web work (see previous blog posts to find the topic webs).

Woodpecker Class Welcome 15.4.20

Date: 15th Apr 2020 @ 4:12pm

Good morning Woodpeckers, 

Welcome back! I hope that you have all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed lots of eggs. My little girl received far too many so I may just have to help her eat them – we all know that Mrs Latham likes a little bit of chocolate every now and then! 

It’s lovely to be back for the start of the Summer term. I am still missing you all and can’t wait to hopefully see you all soon. In the meantime, keep checking the blog everyday for my updates.  

I was in school last week and I really enjoyed speaking to all of your parents over the phone. It was lovely to hear that you are all well and safe. We talked about how impressed I was with your home learning before the holidays and I am sure that this will continues now that we are back.  

Important update: 

As you will know from yesterday, the blog was out of action yesterday and it still isn’t working as well as it should. I am having to email all the blog posts to somebody else and ask them to get them onto the system. So, the morning posts may be a little late. This might mean that you may  have to wait for the LBQ code for a little while everyday but IXL, TTRS and Readtheory will all still be available and the afternoon task won't change daily. These can keep you busy until the LBQ code comes through.  


Once the codes come through, you need to complete the 3 LBQ tasks and the afternoon task daily. Once the system is back working properly, I will start to blog later in the day to award housepoints for those of you who do.   

The afternoon task is a new activity for you to complete. I will link it to the topic web for this half term and I will set you one activity every week. You do not need to complete it all in one afternoon, it might be a good idea to do a little bit each day and make sure it is finished by the Friday. I would love to see any work which you do at home on the blog.  

A little tip is to try to have a timetable to structure your day so that you can fit your learning in as well as giving yourself some breaks and of course your lunch.  

You need to include: LBQ tasks 1,2 and 3 (approx 30 minutes for each), Read Theory (20 mins), TTRS (15 mins), IXL (15 mins) and your afternoon learning (1 hour).  I have included some timings but these are just to help, you may prefer to spend longer on some tasks – just don’t have a 4 hour lunch break !  

Please find the homelearning for Wednesday on my next post.  

Have a great day children!  

Mrs Latham 

Happy Easter

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 3:51pm

This morning we started the morning off with some yoga, we then created some Easter activities including some Easter stamping and Easter Cards we also planted some bulbs in the recently de-weeded patch. Have a great Easter all!

Papier-Mache Eggs

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 3:45pm

We made a lovely, messy start on our papier-mache eggs this afternoon. We can’t wait to see what they look like when they have dried. 

Outdoor Fun

Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 3:41pm

We went outside to find an obstacle course had been set up! We had lots of fun racing and timing each other. 

Mindful Pebbles

Date: 8th Apr 2020 @ 3:10pm

We have also been busy making mindful pebbles today! 

Easter Egg Competition

Date: 8th Apr 2020 @ 3:07pm

This afternoon we were challenged to design and make for an Easter Egg competition. Look at our amazing entries! 





Easter cards and gardening

Date: 8th Apr 2020 @ 10:44am

We are having a lovely day today. We have been making Easter cards and doing some gardening!

We hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine.


Green Fingers

Date: 7th Apr 2020 @ 3:30pm

We have had a busy day today, we started off with some Go Noodle dances, then some painting and some activities on purple mash. This afternoon we created a rainbow using tissue paper and then we went out in the beautiful weather to do obstacle courses and continue preparing the gardening areas for the bulbs.


Topic webs

Date: 6th Apr 2020 @ 1:16pm

Today we have been continuing with our topic web activities, so far we've had some fabulous volcanoes painted, a Victorian house in the process of being built and even a Greek Colosseum being constructed. Super impressed with the attitude of the children and the fact sharing taking place.  


Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 3:19pm

We've been outside today in the garden area getting the planters ready for planting bulbs next week. 

Rainbows of hope

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 1:51pm

Today we made rainbows for NHS Nightingale and Wigan hospital ICU to bring a bit of hope and colour to their wards. 

Homelearning projects

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 2:51pm

Look at the brilliant progress we are making on our homelearning projects. Everyone has put so much effort in and really persevered today and been really focused. Well done guys! 


Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 2:23pm

We have had a nice day crafting today making Spring lambs and Easter bunnies. 


We then took the opportunity to crack on with some of the topic home learning webs. 

We're working on animal painting, Day of the Dead masks, clay volcanoes and animals, South American football teams, Rainforest and stone art work. We are going to continue these projects through the week and will show you the end results! 


Easter Learning

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 2:43pm

Afternoon all,


We just wanted to wish you all a very happy Easter holidays with family, now more than ever it is important to think of others Swallows. Stay safe, enjoy the freedom and relax with a good book! I am currently reading about a man called Genghis Khan - some research for all of you! A 'great' warrior, something to focus on! School is a very different place, all I can hear is the sound of the paper ruslting in the slight breeze. I miss the sound of laughter and some witty remarks, naming no-one there Hayden! 


Have a wonderful break, remember you can still access IXL but there won't be a specific task for the next two weeks on LBQ or IXL, why not try a different years learning to challenge yourselves?  A quick pic to boost morale, here's Harrison pushing himself to learn:

Happy Easter all, have a nice break,

Mr Pryle, cool Mrs Roberts laugh

In school today

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 2:05pm

We have had a busy day in school today. 

This morning we had some iPad time following up on some of the learning from last week.

We have had lots of outside time getting lots of fresh air.  This afternoon we have been doing lots of Easter, Springtime crafts; making Easter chicks, decorating eggs and making textured landscapes. 

All the children are behaving brilliantly and an asset to The Gates family. 

Easter holidays

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 10:09am

Good morning my little pumpkins! Today is the first day of the Easter holidays. I think you all deserve a good rest and so I won't be setting any home learning for the next two weeks. I've been so impressed with how much work you've completed on IXL - look at our newest certificate this morning!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I made the most of being able to go out of the house once a day and went on some long walks round a park near where I live. I saw some beautiful flowers along the way! I then made some banana bread - it is delicious! 


It's been really lovely to see your blog posts - I miss you all and so it's great to still be able to see you via your photos and videos! Here are some from the past few days - lots of fun is being had!


Keep your blog posts coming - did you know that you can comment on each other's posts to say hello?

Have a great Monday!

Miss Whalley

Happy Easter!

Date: 28th Mar 2020 @ 4:58pm

Hi folks!

Well done for this week - lots of you completed all the tasks that were set! Well done parents too! : )

We've started to get some great home learning photos coming in. Thanks for these Olivia:


Well done to Mr Jack V, who top scored on today's Arithmetic Test with 39/40. I want some 40's next time guys! : )

I promised I'd update you with the result of mine and Alexander's rainbow attempt, so here it is:

The paint colours will never be the same again! They're all a kind of muddy brown now - Alexander doesn't get the importance of cleaning his fingers before he dips them in the paint again!

I'm not coping very well with no longer being able to teach maths. Alexander's feeling the brunt of my frustrations. I tried some more bar model with him yesterday. We were counting Peppa Pigs and ducks (Yes, they are ducks before you laugh!). He was okay with counting how many, but struggled on finding the difference / how many more. I put it in a bar model, but other than a few snorts and quacks, I didn't get the reaction I'd hoped for! I've added the photos at the bottom.

There will be no daily learning set over the Easter hols. Please keep up with your reading (Reading Solutions & books) and IXL. It would be great to see some photos of you reading in ususal places - you might have to be creative with this due to current circumstances! 

Have a lovely Easter,

Take care,

Mr Simpson

 (Alexander's daffodils he planted in Autumn!)




A great week of learning

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 6:26pm

Wow, what a week Penguins.

I have really enjoyed seeing all your great photos on the pupil blog and seeing all that super learning you've been doing on IXL and Purple Mash.

Dougie has had a fun-filled week doing lots of learning at home with his grown-ups and enjoying the sunshine.

Have a lovely week off next week and I can't wait to hear all about your Easter. Don't eat too much chocolate :)

Miss Altham

Happy Easter

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 6:17pm

Well, that is the end of a very strange week and the start of the Easter holidays. It's not the way we expected to end but I've loved keeping in touch with some of you this week.

Here's the current progress from IXL, so many questions answered!

And a special shout out to Amelia, Chloe and Lola T, I think you three win for most questions answered in IXL this week, along with most texts read on readtheory. I won't be setting any work over the Easter holidays but feel free to keep blogging and letting me know what you're up to. I will be checking regularly and commenting where possible. Please continue to read as well, let me know about any new books that you are reading! 

It has been so good to see you blogging this week, here's a couple of pictures that made me smile today. 

Have a great break, let's hope the sun keeps shining!


Friday's Learning - 27.03.20

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 4:48pm

Well... that's the end of a strange week but the start of a well deserved break... Easter. Before we depart for a break, I want to share with you again the celebrations of the work completed today. 


Well done to Thomas who gained full marks today on his Task 1 - Revision of KS2 Verbs. 


We are now up to 19,914 questions - just short of our 20,000 target! However, I know we can do it!

Special mention to Leon, who has ended the week answering the most amount of questions with 1,088!

Overall, Akshay is in the lead answering 2337 questions, with Leon just behind on 2238 questions. 

This is our total overall so far for Doves Class:

Reading Solutions

Well done to Nathan who has completed his level A on reading solutions.

Other special mentions 

My early bird worker for today was Leon, who started his work on IXL at 8:27am! 

Also, a special mention to Parthiv, who has shown resilience with his Times Tables Rockstars throughout the week. It finally paid off today as Parthiv reached the target he had set himself. 

Well done to all for continuing to show dedication and hard work towards your school work. Enjoy your Easter break and have lots of fun. 

Woodpeckers - What a Day!

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 4:08pm

Hi Woodpeckers,

You have all been really busy today. I have been having a nosey and I am really impressed. I have seen some super photographs showing me what fun you have been having. I have been sent a few rainbows too which brightened my day. Keep sending these in.





10 house points to the following superstars. You all managed to complete all 3 tasks (or certainly gave them a really good go).

Archie, Oliver BS, Ellie, Aoife, Kaitlyn, Brandon, Abigail, Lyndon, Heidi, Luca, Lucy, Kate, Millie, Erin, Henry, Jasmine, Emelia, Morgan and Rebecca ⭐⭐⭐ 

5 house points to Oliver B for completing 2 of the tasks  ⭐⭐


Some fantastic progress made today on IXL again too. Erin, you are 47 questions away from the 1000 mark - well done you. Kate, Millie, Jasmine, Ellie, Abigail and Kaitlyn have all answered a lot of questions today, leaping towards the 1000 mark (or closer to 1200 Millie). Well done. 10 housepoints to each of you.

Our first week of home learning is over children and it's now the Easter holidays. I won't be setting daily tasks for you over the next 2 weeks but I will still be looking at the blogs daily to see what you send in. I love to see what you are all up to.

Enjoy the break and have lots of fun! Eat lots of chocolate but leave some for me :-)

Stay safe.

Mrs Latham and Miss Wardle

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