Year 6- Eagles: Blog items

Eagles - Home Learning - 9th June

Date: 9th Jun 2020 @ 8:48am

Good Morning Eagles!

Today's Home Learning:

1.English and Maths-  iuy

(Please try and blog your answers for the last two questions on your SPAG task). 

2.Reading Solutions / Read Theory (Y5)

3.Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office.


Our Weekly Recommendation

This week’s recommendation has a range of ideas and activities for you to do at home, linking in with a range of topics across the curriculum.


Have a good day, 

Mr Simpson

Eagles - 8th June - Home Learning

Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 8:02am

Good Morning Eagles!



Today's Home Learning:

1.English and Maths - ypo 

2.Reading Solutions - 1-2 comprehensions minimum

3.Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office.



Mrs Jackson has found a super writing competition for you to complete for this week’s writing task. The competition is asking for pieces of written work (any genre of your choice) relating to any British Wildlife.

Have a read of the discussion to find the website for this and more information on your entry.

Your spelling task focuses on words with the /sh/ sound spelt CH


Our Weekly Recommendation

This week’s recommendation has a range of ideas and activities for you to do at home, linking in with a range of topics across the curriculum.

Eagles - 5th June - Home Learning

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 8:23am

Happy Friday Eagles


Today's Home Learning

Reading Solutions - 1-2 comprehension

English  - nxe (This is a recap of this weeks learning, refer back to the websites to support you) 

Maths -  kqm - There are 3 steps today: Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3/4 

Writing/Spellings – Remember, these are due in today


Have a productive day,

Mr Simpson

Star of the Week

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 4:54pm

This week's Star of the Week goes to Jasmine. Not only for the reasons listed below, but also for maintaining our rivalry with Kingfishers class and making fun of Mr Horsley's counting. I think you are definitely Greater Depth at this Jasmine!

Eagles - 4th June - Home Learning

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 8:11am

Good morning Eagles! Well done to those of you who completed yesterday's learning. Lots of children completing all tasks set. However, some of us need to make sure we are putting our best efforts into the maths work please. I'd expect working out where appropriate and some chn are answering a minimal amount of questions. Today's maths should be straight forward so I'm expecting lots / all questions answered.

Make sure to have a go and post your answers on the main blog!


Today's Home Learning:

1.English and Science-  exv

2.Maths - irs

3.Reading Solutions - 1-2 comprehensions

4.Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office

SPAG Support - Task 1:

Today, your SPAG focuses on Revising of punctuating speech.

Have a great day, 

Mr Simpson

Eagles - 3rd June - Home Learning

Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 8:20am

Good Morning Eagles!



Today's Home Learning:

1.English and Science-  iuw

2.Maths & Topic - vio

Please ensure you answer the Maths 'Starter' task and the 'Main' activity.

3.Reading Solutions - 1-2 comprehensions

4.Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office. 


SPAG Support - Task 1:

Today, your SPAG focuses on Using inverted commas and other punctuation to show direct speech.


Direct speech is 'a repeat of the exact words spoken'. 

Inverted commas "___" are used to show direct speech and they are used at the start of the direct speech and at the end. 

A reporting clause tells you who said it and how they said it. 


Have a great day, 

Mr Simpson

Eagles - 2nd June - Home Learning

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:29am

Good Morning Eagles!

Today's Home Learning:

1.English - cnq

2.Maths - eqd

3.Reading Solutions - 1-2 comprehensions

4.Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office. 


SPAG Support - Task 1:

Today, your SPAG focuses on Apostrophes – Using apostrophes for plural possession.


Have a great day,

Mr Simpson

Eagles - 1st June - Home Learning

Date: 31st May 2020 @ 8:12pm

Welcome back!

Hope you've all had a lovely half term and enjoyed the sunshine! I think I'm about as tanned as I have ever been at the moment - so not very! Alexander has been sensibly applying sun-cream and helping with more gardening. He's very good with the hose pipe now - he chased after me and drenched me yesterday! He thought it was hilarious!


Non-Stop Challenge:

Well done to those who completed the challenge - I know Rosie and Phoebe have been nominated to go next! I'm expecting gold awards girls!

Remember the awards are as follows:

Bronze - 4mins, Silver - 5mins, Gold - 6mins, Platinum - 10mins.





Today's Home Learning:


Reading Solutions - 1-2 comprehensions

English - phu

Maths - zkh

Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office.



This week’s writing task is a 500 word story! It links to a competition which BBC Radio 2 host yearly. Although the competition is now over, it is a great opportunity to write about something you enjoy and good experience for the competition next year!

I have provided a wealth of resources and support to aid you with this writing task, if you need further help please comment on the discussion feed.

Your spelling task focuses on words with the /k/ sound spelt CH


Our Weekly Recommendation

This week’s recommendation is SUPER EXCITING!

JK Rowling is giving children the opportunity to have their drawings published in her new book - The Ickabog - when it is published in the autumn. There is guidance on what to draw as well as links to the chapters which have been released online.

Here is the link for further details:


SPAG Support - Task 1:

Today, your SPAG focuses on Apostrophes – The difference between plural and possessive.

Plural – More than one

Possessive – Belongs to someone


Science Support: Task 3:

Below are a range of links to support your understanding of Earth and Space. This was covered in Spring term and should be revision.       


Have a great day,

Mr Simpson



Eagles - Star or the Week

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 8:39am


Star of the Week this week is Sam. I've been really impressed with the resilience you have been showing, particularly on the maths tasks. Keep up the great work!

Eagles - Home Learning - 22.05.20

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 8:31am

Happy Friday Eagles!  

Non-stop Challenge! 

So this week Miss Fairhurst completed the non-stop challenge!

Miss Fairhurst has nominated:

Mr Pryle and Mr Dean to do the challenge now.  I also nominate Thomas W, Ellis J and Amber G to have a go!

I'm still waiting on Prithvi's response!



Today's Home Learning

Reading Solutions / Read Theory (Y5)- 1 comprehension (minimum)

English  - udm (This is a recap of this weeks learning, refer back to the videos to support you)

Maths -  wcn

Writing/Spellings – Remember, these are due in today. I am looking forward to reading the remaining newspaper reports and seeing all of your spelling scores. 


SPAG Support - Task 1:


Today, your SPAG activity is a recap of all the larning from this week. 

Please engage with the videos, where possible, before you start you activity to ensure you have a secure understanding of the skills before applying it.  


Science Support: Task 3:

Below is a link to support your understanding of reversible and irreversible changes. This was covered in Autumn term and should be revision.

Final Note: 

Next week is half term and so I will not be setting any tasks. Make sure to get some well deserved rest and continue to make the most of this time with your family, maybe learning something new. I would love to see what you're all getting up to so make sure you continue to update the blogs. 

Mr Simpson

Eagles - 21st May - Home Learning

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 9:29am

Good morning Eagles!  


Throwback Thursday  - Guess Who!

Today is Thursday which means there will be another 'Throwback Thursday - Guess Who' posted to the Whole School blog page (School Website > School blogs > School Blog). 

Make sure you have a look and cast your guess as to who you think the little person grew up to be! I can't wait to see your responses.

How to do this: 

1. Click on the Title - Throwback Thursday Guess Who

2. Scroll down to the bottom. 

3. Click on the link 'Pupil Login'.

4. Type in your username and password. 

5. Start Guessing! 


Today's Home Learning:

1.English - tft

2.Maths - sbd

3.Reading Solutions / Read Theory (Y5)

4.Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office.


SPAG Support - Task 1:

This week, your SPAG activities will be revising prior learning whereby I feel that we could benefit from further support.

Please engage with the videos, where possible, before you start you activity to ensure you have a secure understanding of the skills before applying it.

Ignore the dates on the video, this will show the date the task was previously set for you.  

Eagles - 20th May - Home Learning

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 8:19am

Good Morning Eagles!

Just in case you missed this:

Thanks for my nomination Mr Horsley! I ran for 30mins and managed 5km - my longest for some time!

My nominations are:

- Mrs Forshaw

- Olivia (Eagles)

- Prithvi (Eagles)

- Arwen (Doves)

- Isaac (Kingfishers)


Well done to Arwen who has already completed her challenge and posted in the Non-Stop Challenge discussion feed!


Today's Home Learning:

1.English and Science-  hjx

2.Maths - xyx

3.Reading Solutions

4.Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office.


Mental Health Awareness Week:

It is Mental Health Awareness Week this week and we have a little activity bingo challenge for you. The activities aim to focus you to do things that will keep you positive and mindful. If you complete any of the challenges please share them to the blog so we can all share the positivity :) 

SPAG Support - Task 1:

This week, your SPAG activities will be revising prior learning whereby I feel that we could benefit from further support.

Please engage with the videos, where possible, before you start you activity to ensure you have a secure understanding of the skills before applying it.

Ignore the dates on the video, this will show the date the task was previously set for you.  


Science Support: Task 3:

Below is a link to support your understanding of reversible and irreversible changes. This was covered in Autumn term and should be revision.


Have a great day, 

Mr Simpson




Eagles - 19th May - Home Learning

Date: 19th May 2020 @ 8:15am

Good Morning Eagles!

Today's Home Learning:

1.English - iqh

2.Maths - yfw

3.Reading Solutions 

4.Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office.


SPAG Support - Task 1:

This week, your SPAG activities will be revising prior learning whereby I feel that we could benefit from further support.

Please engage with the videos, where possible, before you start you activity to ensure you have a secure understanding of the skills before applying it.

Ignore the dates on the video, this will show the date the task was previously set for you.  


Have a good day! 

Mr Simpson

Eagles - 18th May - Home Learning

Date: 18th May 2020 @ 8:18am

Good Morning Eagles! Hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some time outdoors. 


Today's Home Learning:

1.English and Science-  cmu

2.Maths - deb

3.Reading Solutions - 1 comprehensions (minimum)

4.Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office.



For this weeks writing task I would like you to write a balanced argument.

I have provided a wealth of resources and support to aid you with this writing task, if you need further help please comment on the discussion feed.

Your spelling task focuses on the same rule as last week: -tion, -sion, -ssion and -cian but applying them in new words.


Our Weekly Recommendation

Every week we will share with you one of our favourite recommendations to support you at home.

This week’s recommendation links to Science - Space. The activities are all Space related and link hand in hand to our previous Science unit!


SPAG Support - Task 1:

This week, your SPAG activities will be revising prior learning whereby I feel that we could benefit from further support.

Please engage with the videos, where possible, before you start you activity to ensure you have a secure understanding of the skills before applying it.

Ignore the dates on the video, this will show the date the task was previously set for you.  


Science Support: Task 3:

Below is a link to support your understanding of reversible and irreversible changes. This was covered in Autumn term and should be revision.


Have a great day.

Mr Simpson

Eagles - Star of the Week

Date: 15th May 2020 @ 8:28am

Hi everyone, it was another tough decision this week, but this week's Star of the Week is Prithvi!

You've shown an exellent enthusiasm towards home learning this week. I thought your decision to edit & redraft your first newspaper report to try and improve it showed your determined, driven attitude and how you strive to be the best that you can be.

Eagles - 15th May - Home Learning

Date: 15th May 2020 @ 8:22am

Good morning Eagles!


Today's Home Learning:

Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension (minimum)

English  - jii (This is a recap of this weeks learning, refer back to the videos to support you)

Maths -  xtn

Writing/Spellings – Remember, these are due in today. I am looking forward to reading the remaining newspaper reports and seeing all of your spelling scores. 





 IXL – Your username and password expired yesterday so here are the details for you new login. 

Your new username will be: firstnamelastname267   /   E.g. mrsimpson267

Your password has remained the same: eagles123


Science Support: Task 3:

Below is a link to support your understanding of reversible and irreversible changes. This was covered in Autumn term and should be revision.


Eagles - 14th May - Home Learning

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 8:19am

Good morning Eagles!  


Throwback Thursday  - Guess Who!

Today is Thursday which means there will be another 'Throwback Thursday - Guess Who' posted to the Whole School blog page (School Website > School blogs > School Blog). 

Make sure you have a look and cast your guess as to who you think the little person grew up to be! I can't wait to see your responses.

How to do this: 

1. Click on the Title - Throwback Thursday Guess Who

2. Scroll down to the bottom. 

3. Click on the link 'Pupil Login'.

4. Type in your username and password. 

5. Start Guessing! 


Today's Home Learning:

Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension minimum per day

English  -  wox

Maths & Topic -  hgv

Writing/Spellings – Make sure to check the discussions: Writing - Newspaper Report and Spellings - -tion, -sion, -ssion and -cian. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office. 


SPAG Support - Task 1: 

Miss Fairhurst has created the video below to support you with SPAG Task 1 looking at using semi-colons, colons and dashes between clauses. 


Take care,

Mr Simpson

Eagles - 13th May - Home Learning

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 8:17am

Good morning Eagles! 

Today's Home Learning:

Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension (minimum)

English  - nsb 

Maths -  kdf

Writing/Spellings – Make sure to check the discussions: Writing - Newspaper Report and Spellings - -tion, -sion, -ssion and -cian. Remember these are both due in on Friday. (How to access this: School Website, Pupil Login, Username and Password, Verification Code – 956789-, discussions). If you are not sure what your username and password is 1. Check School Spider OR 2. Contact the School Office. 


SPAG Support - Task 1: 

Miss Fairhurst has created a video below to support you with SPAG Task 1 looking at using semi-colons, colons and dashes between clauses. 


Science Support: Task 3:

Below is a link to support your understanding of reversible and irreversible changes. This was covered in Autumn term and should be revision.


Stay brilliant!

Mr Simpson

Eagles - 12th May - Home Learning

Date: 12th May 2020 @ 8:05am

Good morning Eagles!

Home Learning:

Well done on yesterday's home learning. Today's is as follows:

Maths - umk (there are 2 tasks, 1 for Miss Fairhursts Maths Class and 1 for mine)

SPAG - wbq

Reading Solutions - 2 comprehensions (it would have been your reading SAT today!)

Writing/Spellings - See discussion feeds


Have a lovely day,

Mr Simpson

Eagles - 11th May - Home Learning

Date: 10th May 2020 @ 10:35am

Good Morning Eagles! 

Hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. Great to see that some of you joined in with the VE Day festivities and celebrations:


We had some excellent VE Day newspaper reports this week! Our best yet! Here are Jack V's, Rosie's, Kayden's & Noel's efforts:




This week would have represented a very significant week for us: SATS Week. 

How different it has turned out...

It's sad really. I know that all the hard work and dedication you put in this year, and the years that went before, would have come to fruition this week. I know that many of you are disappointed; some extremely disappointed. SATS or not, you have all worked extremely hard this year and should be proud of your efforts. I know you have all made excellent progress, and you do too. 

However, there is more to life than SATS. Just as this pandemic has taught us - some things are more important.  Take care of yourselves, spend time with your family and keep working hard to be the best that you can be. Your efforts have not been for nothing. The skills and positive mindset that you have developed at The Gates will place you in an excellent position as you progress to high school next year and for the rest of your lives after that.

Can't wait to see you all again. I heard on the news last night that it could be in a few weeks time if all goes well, but whether its in a few weeks, or a little more than that, I'm sure we'll meet again some sunny day!

Take care,

Mr Simpson


Today's Home Learning:

  1. English and Science- byd
  2. Maths & Topic - xhp  - Arithmetic Test Monday :))
  3. Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension minimum
  4. Writing/Spellings –  Newspaper report on school closures due to coronavirus & tion, sion, ssion, cian spelling patterns - Please see discussion feeds.


Website Link of the Week:

British Museum

An interactive game brought to you by the British Museum allows you to travel through time using your arrow keys or mouse. This is a completely new way to tour the museum's exhibits with informative audio descriptions. Find out more here:


Have a great day, 

Mr Simpson

Eagles - Star of the Week

Date: 8th May 2020 @ 8:46am

Well done to Elisha -  You've put in an absolutely outstanding effort since we've been away from school and showed great maturity and resilience! Keep it up!

Mr Simpson

Eagles - 7th May - Home Learning

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 5:01pm

Good morning everyone!

The sun is back!!! I managed to do a bit of planting in the garden yesterday with Alexander which was nice - his control of the watering can needs a bit of work though! I have some plants floating in a pond now!

I also managed another run yesterday - that's Monday Tuesday, Wednesday this week! Hoping for another today!

What's everybody else been up to? Apart from getting beat by 5 by their younger brother on the maths task yesterday - mentioning no names! wink Has everyone seen my maths RAR? I'm expecting lots of responses! Remember to click on the video for my demo first! (I still don't think I sound like that!).

There were some great newspaper reports that came in yesterday! Well done to all! 

Here's Joe's fantastic effort:

ThrowbackThursday! Can you guess who the member of staff is? Miss Fairhurst has posted a picture of a member of staff on the main blog page. Who is it??? Post your answer! Clue: It's not me!

There will be no home learning tasks set on Friday monring as it's a Bank Holiday so this will the the last learning set this week. I'd still be delighted to see any spelling & writing posted in the discussion feed, but if you can't on Friday (and if it's not ready today), I'll still look at them all on Monday!


Todays Home Learning:

  1. Maths RAR - (see last blog)
  2. English - cno 
  3. Maths - bog 
  4. Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension (can do more than 1)
  5. VE Day – Try to complete as many VE Day activities as possible (in school this week we have created WW2 artwork so far – have a look at the blog for some inspiration).  

Eagles/Doves - Maths Feedback & RAR

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 4:44pm

Hi Everyone,

Well done on today's maths task. I've attached a video with feedback for the question that was answered most incorrectly, but overall most of you did very well!

Watch the video and then complete the RAR below. I've set it out like the example in the video, so don't stop too early before you get to your answer.

Add your answers as comments on this blog and I'll take a look!

(click on the blog title to see the video)



Eagles - 6th May - Home Learning

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 5:20pm

Good morning everyone!

Well done to those of you that completed all the tasks set yesterday. For those of you in Miss Fairhurst's maths class, if you've not already seen it, I posted a video explaining q12 as it was answered incorrectly more than any other question. I also wanted to play with the screen recorder - so I've made another one for today's maths task! (click the blog title to see it).

There were a number of children who completed the SPAG tasks yesterday but not the maths task! Are you deliberately trying to upset me?? I might have to make a few phone calls home if this continues! Some of the effort on the maths tasks by some of you could also be improved - you know who you are! However, I was very impressed with Elisha, Ella, Sam and Jack W's efforts on the maths task 1 questions yesterday and Amy, who was the only person to score 20/20 correct first time, on maths task 2. 

What's everybody been up to? It was great to hear from Ella & Olivia on the pupil blog section. More photo's and comments please! I've been going running quite a bit, but my knees aren't really enjoying it too much! Fancy having a bad hip and bad knees aged only 22!

Todays Home Learning:

  1. English - gxs 
  2. Maths - ejv 
  3. Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension (can do more than 1)
  4. Writing/Spellings - see discussion feed. Due Friday.
  5. VE Day – Try to complete as many VE Day activities as possible (in school this week we have created WW2 artwork so far – have a look at the blog for some inspiration).  

Doves/Eagles Maths Feedback - Task 1: Qn12

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 3:23pm

Hi everyone! 

I've seen qn 12 on Task 1 was proving tricky today so I've trained myself up on how to use a screen recorder to explain! I don't really sound like this, do I????

(Click on the title to view)


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