The Gates Primary School is a 3-11 Community Primary School with 313 children on roll. It is a one form entry school.
School hours are from 8.50am until 3.20pm and classroom doors open in the morning at 8.40am. This equates to 32.5 hours on an average week.
Early Years
The Early Years Foundation Stage Unit is a mixed class of 3 and 4 year old children. The school admits 30 four year olds (Reception children) and 26 three year olds (Nursery children). All of our Reception children attend school full-time and we are happy to offer the 30 hour free nursery entitlement to parents who qualify. There are two full time Qualified Teachers and three Teaching Assistants who work within the unit.
Children are admitted in line with the governors’ admissions policy (available on this school website or from the school).
Key Stage 1
Children between the ages of 5-7 will complete two years in Key Stage 1. Key Stage 1 consists of Year 1 and Year 2 and there are 60 pupils across these two year groups. There is a full time Qualified Teacher in each class and a Teaching Assistant in each class.
Key Stage 2
In KS2 the children are split into six classes. We organise our classes using several criteria to ensure that in each class there is a balance of gender and an even distribution of ability. There is a full time Qualified Teacher in each class and a number of Teaching Assistants across the whole phase.