Our Values and Ethos

At The Gates we pride ourselves on providing a school where children feel safe within a happy, stimulating and attractive environment in which each child is encouraged to: enjoy learning, have high expectations of themselves, respect each other and fulfil their true potential.  Our amazing children are encouraged to do their best and enter into the spirit of a “can do” culture.

We are committed to every one of our children and offer an exciting curriculum which gives all pupils the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and to achieve the highest possible standards in all aspects of life while preparing them for the next stage in their education.  We want our children to enjoy their time and education with us, to have great memories and to have lots of fun!

Our dedicated staff team aims to help every child to face their individual challenges with courage and determination and to discover their unique talents and strengths.  We are committed to removing barriers to learning and developing in each child a love of learning and a shared pride in achievement in all its forms.

The Gates Golden Goals link to the values in a way which children can relate to and understand.  The Gates Golden Goals of: Independence, Resilience, Collaboration, Engagement, Respect and Progress permeate through all aspects of school life.


To help children to grow into physically and mentally healthy, rounded people who are mature, independent and interdependent


To ensure that children make good progress across the curriculum each year


To work together as an effective staff team and in partnership with parents, governors, children, other agencies and the local community in the best interests of the children


 To provide a wide range of engaging and fun learning experiences and to ensure that children and staff are happy at school


To ensure that children acquire a wide range of skills, concepts and knowledge that will help them to achieve success in the future and to support the professional development of staff and career progression should they desire it


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