Subject in the Spotlight - PE

9th September 2022

The children will begin the new school year by working on their fundamental movement skills. These will then be applied throughout the year to all areas of our PE curriculum.

The children have enjoyed working on their Agility, Balance and  Coordination skills during their indoor PE lesson. Whilst during the outdoor lesson, they have worked on their Speed, Agility & Quickness skills.


5th October 2022

In Key Stage 1, the children have been working hard to improve their Agility, Balance and Coordination skills during indoor PE. They have also focused on their awareness of others.

Lower Key Stage 2 have been focusing on developing their ABC and SAQ skills and have applied these to small sided ball games. They have improved their understanding of attacking and defending strategies

Upper Key Stage 2 have continued to develop their ABC and SAQ skills. Focusing on moving on the balls of their feet, quick feet and changing direction quickly. Also, they have been developing their understanding of tactics to use in attacking and defending games. They have applied these to Dodgeball and Netball games.

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