Subject in the Spotlight - PE

week commencing 18th Sept 2023

Outdoor PE lessons are focusing on fundamental movement and their ‘Agility, Balance and Coordination’. The children are enjoying applying and further developing their ABC’s and will continue to do this throughout the year.  

Indoor PE is Gymnastics.  We have begun by revisiting previous learning and practising ‘gym shapes’.  Then they will be learning different types of rolls and balances. Each week the children will apply their new knowledge in groups to create sequences using mats and equipment.


week commencing 2nd October 2023

Curriculum PE

This term the children have been learning Gymnastics and Agility, Balance and Coordination (ABC’s) skills. In Gymnastics they have practised gym shapes, balances and rolls, and are now creating sequences using these. In ABC sessions the children are developing their agility, balance and coordination skills through a range of activities including SAQ and team games.

Active Lunch-Times

Kickstarterz’ award winning coaches, Jonny and Sam, create fun and inclusive activity sessions daily, including multi-skills, dance and team games.  Active Lunchtimes consist of 20 different activities developed with the intention of encouraging as many children as possible to be active.

Autumn 1- Sporting After School Clubs

Key Stage 1-Kickstarterz Multiskills Club.

Year 3 and Year 4- Kickstarterz Multi-Sports Club

Year 5 and Year 6 –Multi-Sports Club with Mrs Handley


Week commencing 16th October 2023

Excellent progress has been made in developing the children’s ‘Agility, Balance and Coordination’ during outdoor PE lessons.

The focus in Key Stage 1 has been on development of fundamental movement skills including, jumping, skipping, side-stepping. The children have also enjoyed using the ladders and hurdles. These skills will be transferred to all areas of PE throughout the year.

In gymnastics, the children have been using equipment in PE to practise sequences including jumps and rolls.

In Lower Key Stage 2, the children have also been making super progress with their ABC’s and Gymnastic skills. Lots of collaboration taking place during group work and resilience shown this term.

In Upper Key Stage 2 the children have continued to develop their Agility, Balance and Coordination skills. While applying these to team games, developing their knowledge of Dodgeball and Netball. During gymnastics they have been mastering their vaults and jumps.

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