Subject in the Spotlight - PSHE

Week 5th June 2023

Across the school the children are learning about Health and Wellbeing as part of their PSHE lessons and through The Big Question.

In EYFS the children have been learning about what good friends look like and how the children can show kindness and respect towards their friends. Many ideas were shared such as giving their friend a hug when they were feeling sad, letting others join in with games and sharing toys.

In KS1 the children have been learning about their likes and dislikes and that this is one of the reasons they are unique. The children impressed their teachers by talking about the different ways that they are unique and demonstrating that they understand what being unique means.

The KS2 children have been learning to recognise their strengths and weaknesses and learning about how practising helps to turn weaknesses into a strength. In UKS2 the children have also been learning about healthy relationships with a special visit from local charity Fortalice.

Throughout school, children have been discussing what British Values are (tolerance, rule of law, democracy, individual liberty and mutual respect) and why they are important. In The Big Question, children have been learning about the STOP acronym when answering ‘What is bullying?’. The children created posters to show the definition ‘Several Times On Purpose’ and to ‘Start Telling Other People’ as the action that they must always take if they suspect that bullying has taken place.   

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