KS1 Writing Task - Guess Who? w/c 18.5.20

Date: 17th May 2020 @ 1:36pm

Writing Task – w/c 18.5.20

This week's task is a little different; we have posted a Class Discussion titled 'Guess Who'. Have you ever played the game? It consists of having a picture board of people, your opponent picks a character, and you have to ask a number of questions to help find out who the character is; only guessing when you have whittled it down as much as possible. We are asking you to pick one of your favourite book characters and describe that character in 5 statements (facts). As the week progresses you will add a character and also try to guess other people's examples. I will give you the example I am posting on the discussion board. If you guess it, let me know.

Guess Who? -

1. This character is female.

2. She is very kind and caring.

3. She wears a pink nightgown.

4. She lives in an orphanage.

5. She goes on an adventure in the book and ends up meeting the Queen. 

Try not to make your statements to obvious but at the same time don't make them too hard, you want people to have to think about the answer but hopefully eventually guess it. Only book characters please, if we have too many different characters it could get confusing. 

Now, this is still a writing task so a success criteria is still needed.

Success Criteria – Guess Who


I have written five statements.


I have numbered my statements.


My statements are factual.


I have used my phonic knowledge to help spell words.


Step 1

I have used capital letters and full stops.


Step 2

I have used adjectives to describe the noun (e.g She wears a pink nightgown)


Step 3

I have used conjunctions to join two sentences together (e.g She goes on an adventure and gets to meet the Queen)



Have fun everyone, lI ook forward to guessing your book characters!


KS1 team


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