Puffin Class Home Learing 02.06.20

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 9:12pm

Happy Tuesday Puffins!

Yesterday we baked some cakes and painted some rocks again. These are our favourite activities at the minute. What are yours? I love seeing your pictures on the blogs.

Special Mentions

A big well done to Harrison and Freddie for joining in with the online phonics sessions and creating some brilliant pictures to demonstrate their comprehension of the reading task. I am super impressed with your consistent commitment to your home learning. You are both little stars!


Another well done to Harrison for rising to the running challenge this week. He has nominated  

Jacob B, Isabella M, Joseph, Kody, Henri to complete the Non-Stop Challenge. See how far you can run without stopping.


Today’s learning
Maths year 1 H.9, V.6, W8.
English- topics- phonics – Year 2 G4,  (this links to online phonics),  S1 (try to do this without listening to the sentence as it will be good reading practise too), M2.   

Please also complete activities on:
Read Theory
Purple Mash

Discussions: Message for Mrs Bevin (thank you to those who have already done this- these are lovely to read!)

Spellings- in discussions section (these link to the online phonics)

Phonics Online Tutorial – Phase 5 split digraph ‘i_e’ (writing session today- reading yesterday if you need to catch up. There are only 3 views!)

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Lenagan and Mrs Bevin :)

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