Subject in the Spotlight - Art

Week commencing 08th January 2024

This half term in Art, all children are learning the process of printing. They will learn about a wide range of artists who use printing as their medium and be introduced to a variety of different printing techniques.

In EYFS, children have been using different tools to create different prints. They used cotton buds to help them to create a seasons tree, using and selecting the correct colour to represent their season.

In Key Stage 1, children have been looking at Kente cloths. They looked at a variety of different styles and analysed them: looking at the shapes, colours and patterns that they could see. Then, they created their own artist investigations by choosing 2 different Kente cloths and drawing what they could see in their sketchbooks. They used excellent observational skills and could use great vocabulary when talking about what they could see.

In Lower Key Stage 2, children studied the work of Ernst Haeckel. They discussed his famous paintings and how he combined Science and Art in his pieces to revolutionise his work as a zoologist. The children used their knowledge to create an artist investigation and combined images, words and information to show what they have learnt. This will lead on to the children studying, drawing and printing fossils which will link with their Science topic this term.

In Upper Key Stage 2, children have been studying the artist Beatriz Milhaze, a famous South American artist. They looked at a variety of her works and developed their evaluation skills by discussing the content, style and form of her work. This will lead onto the children creating their own collagraphs to print on to their mixed media final outcome in the style of Beartiz Milhaze.

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