Eagles - 27th April- Home Learning

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:06am

Good Morning Eagles!

Well done last week everyone - some super learning taking place! The number of completed comprehensions on Reading Solutions was much higher, but there are still some children not completing the recommended 5 per week - another chance to make that happen this week!

Please make sure you have a good go at the tasks set. Some children, naming no names (this time), have only completed 1 or 2 questions before logging out again. I know there can be technical difficulties at times, but I'm not sure this is the case all the time. If you are really struggling to access learning, please get in touch through the pupil blog.


Today's Home Learning:


English and Science- xfj

Maths and Topic - cqk

There are 2 maths tasks. Please complete the Step 1/2 Task or the Step 3/4 Task. If you want to do both, that is also fine!

Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension (minimum)

Writing/Spellings – I have posted two new discussions with your weekly spellings and your writing task. Remember these are both due in on Friday. 


If you're struggling, there are various things to do.

1. Read the support I have attached to the bottom of this blog.  

2. Read the feedback carefully from LBQ, it provides you with tips and hints. 

3.Post a comment on the blog and I will respond as soon as I can to support you. 

4. Look for examples online, tutorials through videos. 


SPAG Support - Task 2:

I have uploaded a video to help you with Task 2, looking at the use of past progressive and present progressive before applying this to some LBQ examples. 


This website will also support you: 


Note - Past and present progressive is also known as past and present continuous.

Maths Support - 

Taking fractions from whole numbers:


Taking 3 fractions: Deal with the first 2, then take the last.


Our Weekly Recommendation

Every week we will share with you one of our favourite recommendations to support you at home.


BBC Bitesize are providing daily lessons for subjects throughout the curriculum. All you need to do is choose your year groups and there are lessons provided daily for you to join in with. For each lesson, there is the opportunity to watch videos, practise before applying your new learning.




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