Eagles - 29th April - Home Learning

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 6:57pm

Good morning Eagles!

Well done on yesterday's learning. We had a record number complete the maths tasks set!

I was quite busy yesterday, but I did get to go out on a walk in the late afternoon to feed the ducks. I've never seen so many ducks leap out of the pond and race towards us - there were about 10 tiny ducklings who came racing over also! Alexander was having lots of fun until the big goose - usually his favourite - came over and started throwing his weight around! I had to leave a trail of crumbs to lead it away from the rest!

I also learnt yesterday that someone in our class has gone for NHS blue hair! Not sure I could quite pull that off personally.

Maths Feedback:

Q10 seemed to prove most tricky on the Step 1/2 task:

The key was to realise that the question was asking you to work out the boys which means finding 2/5.

45 / 5 = 9

9 x 2 = 18

On the Step 3/4 task, Q4 was answered incorrectly the most times:

You had to realise that the larger tower was a whole or 200/200. If the smaller tower is 1/200 of the size, it makes sense the larger tower is 200/200 (all of it).

So an efficient mental way of working this out is:

30cm x 200 = 

30cm x 2 = 60cm

60cm x 100 = 6000cm 

6000cm = 6m   (100cm in a metre so divide by 100)


Today's Home Learning:

Reading Solutions - 1 comprehension (minimum)


English - pjn

Maths - nmd

There are 2 tasks to complete in maths today. Please attempt both. Give yourself around 25mins on each one.

Task 1: To convert decimals to fractions, use the place value of the least significant decimal to provide you with your denominator before simplifying.

E.g. 1


The 5 is in the hundredths (h). This means your denominator will be 100.


From here you can simplify. The highest common factor is 5. Divide both by 5.


E.g. 2


This time the 5 is in the thousandths.

so 45/1000 (don't need to include the zero in the tenths - doesn't add anything)

Divide both by 5 (highest common factor).

= 9/20

Task 2: To convert fractions to decimals, divide the numerator by the denominator - use a bus stop and add in the decimal point and extra zeros below if this helps.0


SPAG Support:

Check out Miss Fairhurst's video:




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